lepord eels?


i have a 55 with 50 lbs of live rock, and have a couple small fish, but they are broing and i wan something more... substantial. i was going to get a snowflake eel and keep it til it got too big, but i saw a lepord eel my lfs just got in. it is really cool. does anyone have and info/advice about them?


What fish do you have now? I'm not sure how big leopards get, but they are aggressive, so it can try to eat small fish. P.S. Snowflakes can live there whole lives in a 55 gallon.


If your talking about tessalletas,they need at least a 150 gallon tank.They will eat anything they can swallow,and can be very aggressive.


i have a snowflake eel who is about 2-1/2 years old. they are very cool to watch- i definitely recommend them. However they eat anything remotely edible (i even fed him a moth i caught once.) And they are escape artists. Mine used to have a brother, BUT he decided to check out the house, and didn't make it past the back of the fish tank. Tape all of your openings shut. At least until they are adjusted to the new home.


i had a lepord eel. they are VERY VERY aggressive. I was told by my LFS they were nice and harmless. I put a porc puffer in the tank, he was in there for 30 secs and the stupid eel was on him. luckily i was still watching, the puffer blew up and the eel let go, i quickly remove the porc back to the bucket and got rid of the eel an hour later. the poor puff has never been the same since :(