Lesa are you out there?!

Hey Lesa,
I'm sorry that the military and work have had me tied up for so long and I've been completely out of touch with many for some time now. We were talking about that Remora that I have and was supposed to get out to you. I don't like to be irresponsible and just dissapear like I did, so to make up for that I'd like to give you that Remora if you'd like. I'm sure you've already found something by now, but it's yours if you want it to try, sell, or trade. If you'll pay shipping, I'll send it to you for free. Again I apologize for dropping off the face of the Earth and hope this can make up for my long delay.:)


Hey Myk,
I thought you blew away with the wind;) No I have not found a skimmer yet. Mail me with the details at
I have lost your email address. Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks Lesa