Lesions on side of Coral beauty


Hi everyone
My coral beauty had developed some white lesions on one side of its body, and I was wondering what I ought to do about it. His history includes an ick problem that had subsided about a week ago - is this just the progression of the ick, or something different? I wanted to get him in a hospital tank, but have found it extremely difficult to catch him. Are there any good reef-safe products to try for the lesions?


Staff member
Sammy, ich does not subside really. It has a life cycle that includes time not attached to the fish; having the appearance of "subsiding". Take a look at the post on ICH in the FAQ Thead for details on this parasite.
You really need to treat all your fish for ich. What you are seeing could be a secondary infection due to wounds made by the parasite.
I'm assuming you don't have a QT? Are you willing to set one up? If not, then there really isn't much that can be done. Do you have LR, corals, inverts?