Lession Learned ! (Hypo, Coral, Greenex , Garlic, and small Hippo Tang)


HI everyone,
here is my story.
I had my 46G setup for about 6 months now. of course, the first few month, don't know anything and lose some fish.
Then, I started to read and put my fish in Hypo QT tank for 4 weeks and left my main tank no fish for 6 weeks. during that time, I started to add corals, and before I knew, my 6 weeks were over and I put all my fish back to the main tank.
Then, ICH is back again, and the only possible reason is, from the coral (which I am a little sare knowing that this pet shop put some fish in the coral tank too)
Now, with all my fish and a lot of rock and coral in the main tank and ICH. I tried the alternate method
Garlic + cleaner goby + cleaner shrimps + Greenex
The first few days looks good (after every other day of treatment of Greenex), the ICH seems to be under control. then, one night, all the fish got it bad. and worst than before.
then two more days of Greenex with no use.
Now, I am back to Hypo, and the fish are getting a lot better.
at least, I didn't lost any fish, just lost 1 cleaner shrimp (from the Greenex). and some corals look weak.
(one more lesson is , my small 1 inch hippo tang, they grew fast, it is about 2 or 3 months since I got him, it is about 2 inches now, that's why I already working on the new 72G setup)


Staff member
wid, copper and hyposalinity are the only viable options for treatment. What did you use to test salinity during the hyposalinity procedure??


Hi Beth,
I use a refractometer, and I actually lower it to 1.007 to be safe during the period. i still think is the pet shop where I got my corals.


It seems like there is a lot of discussion on the UV now. Just to let eveyone know, I am using a 9w UV too. It was my first few equipment, I don't think they do anything. the most, maybe slow down the algae.


Staff member
That is certainly possible. You or any hobbyist should be asking your LFS if they put fish in coral or LR tanks, or if their coral or LR tanks share filtration with fish.


Sadly, I too learned the same lesson! My main tank was fine until I bought my mushroom rock, I didn't notice until I was ready to walk out the door that there was an angel in there covered with ich. I questioned it, but I thought it would be ok. NOPE, now my main has ich! It's a very painful lesson, but one that is certain to not be forgotten! :yes: