Let the ridicule begin!!


My tank is a 12g nano, with two 24w compact florescent bulbs. It does not have a timer. I am currently unemployed, and didnt want to buy a timer, so I have been turning it on and off everyday by hand. But, this being thanksgiving... I had to go visit family 6 hours away. so I went and bought one. Its got an on/off switch, and then the hourly controls, you know what Im talkin about....
Well, I set it up JUST before I left. I set it to be on for 7 hours a day, starting at 11am. I left for my familys house right about 11am on wednesday, so it was on, working, it was a good investment, an important investment.
I came back today to find out that the lights have been on FROM the moment I left until now. Thats over 70 hours that the lights were on!

It turns out that the on/off switch is a master on/off, I thought it was an on/off that turned the timer on and off, like activated it to work, but it turns out that it was a on (all the time) or off (all the time) switch. Boy howdy do I feel like an idiot.
I havnt tested the water yet, Im a bit afraid to. The water looks like its real dirty. I only had one clown goby, a few hermits, and 2 peppermint shrimps. no corals. I havnt seen the shrimps or clown goby at all since Ive been home
Let the ridicule begin...


how is the tank today, i hope all is going to be ok, id do a water change just for starters, good luck


Active Member
get ready to do some 30% water changes every few days if the tests come out really bad lol.
scrape the glass and siphon out all the algae during these changes.


Active Member
Always make sure you understand how those things work before trusting them...I did the same thing one time...Go ahead and get some water going and do a change every 3 or 4 days and hope for the best....Atleast it wasnt Halides and boiled the water...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Buffett
lol i dont even want to imagine that
A good friend on mine had it happen just so happened the chiller crapped out aswell around the same time...
This happend on a 600gallon SPS system that was 6 years old....ouch