Let There be LIGHT


Ok, I'm ready to buy some lighting for my tank, can PC's maintain, anemones, and polyps,
all i want is a bubble tip, and some yellow polyps and zoos, I have a 37 gal, tall, would a 24 inch light, fit that,


If the anenome is at the top of the tank, and there is ALOT of Pcs maybe. The polyps like zoos and softies should be ok under some good PCs. Id personally recommend going with T-5s instead if you dont want to do halides. I have halides over my display and T5 over my propogation tank both do great for growing SPS. For future plans, which inevitably result in clams sps etc that require more light, go with somthing good now or you will end up losing money in the end when you upgrade. Trust me i know, i had 220W of PCs over my 75, now i have 500W of MH over my tank!


i have a Nova Extreme t5 light above the prop tank, i just got it a week ago, and i love it. They are cheap too, only $161 shipped from the big online petstore. You can see it on our club website at www.tidewater-reefers.org Under MY AQUARIUM section. Id highly recommend that one for a non retro, otherwise id recommend aqualux stuff, for a retro.


Active Member
man come on "I only want this and that" How many people in this hobby started with that line. Its kind of just making an excuse for your addiction. This hobby is like a drug, you start a little here and there and then the next thing you know your jonesin for more and better and stronger stuff. Get Mh and be done with it. instead of trying weed just go straight to crack and be done with it. :hilarious