Letice nidibranch


Active Member
I need one for my 3 gal pico because it has been growing alge in it really fast. This mornig it gust had brown algea on the sand. Now it is on the walls of the tank. What are the pros and cons. I know they get stuck to power heads but I dont have one in it. Can I get one?
Pic 1. Befor 1 week
Pic 2. After 1 week



The Nudi wouldnt touch that stuff, I would recomend getting them. This is normal for a tank so soon. My tank had a smaller cycle that looked similar but I used sand and water from my larger tank. I would go ahead and get your hermits and snails if your levels are alright. In my tank thats the same as yours I have one small zebra hermit,small blue leg, and a small scarlet. I have one astrea, and one nassaraus. They keep my sand and glass almost perfect.