Lets have a party...

nm reef

Active Member
...I'm in the mood for a serious hit of eye-candy. I see mine all the time. Give me some motivation to develope a larger system! Everybody post a single pic of your reef...limit each reef to a single pic and lets have a members only eye-candy feast!!! Whos gonna go first?Don't be shy.....:cool:

nm reef

Active Member
Now thats what I'm talkin' about!!!
A rabid clam from the rabidfrog...and a lil pony from the Lubbock cowboy!!!
Good stuff!!!!!

nm reef

Active Member
Killer "shroom pic!! The colt looks good too!! Mine just went thru a mini crash and I lost about 70% of the origional. The colt is stable now so maybe I'll be able to revive it.
Heck...if ya got 'em post 'em.....I just wanna see how many party goes we can stir out of the woodwork...without crashing the system from all the pics.....:cool:
I just don't wanna post mine....I'm hungry so ya'all just post away!!!!!

nm reef

Active Member
Dayuuuuum that galaxia looks healthy!!! I'd add one if there was room for it to peacefully co-exist with my torch/bubble/hammer/frogspawn.But I'm pushin' the limit in my lil 55 already and another agressive LPS may cause serious trouble.
plum...lookin good...mine is right at 30 months now...still a wee infant. Thanks for joinin' in....

nm reef

Active Member
skilos...very true...but I really want something closer to 72"x30"x24"...cubes are kewl...but I'm really wantin' some extra length and not a lot more height. Great pic though!
My GSP's have basically been overrun by my 'shroom garden. The green furry/frilly dudes have pretty much covered my GSP's. They are still healthy...just not dominant.
Keep the stuff comin...great eye-candy so far.....:cool: