Let's play help the newbe.


New Member
Ok, here is my situation. I started my tank about 1 1/2 years ago. It is 75 gallons. I started off with about 20 lbs of LR and about a 3" layer of LS. I have 2 Blue Damsels, 1 Yellow Tang, a couple of hermits and a bunch of turbo snails.
It took about 6 months to get to that point and then I started traveling a lot for work. I trust a friend of mine to feed them and make sure the water level doesn't drop while I am gone during the week and I do any tank maintenance on the weekends but I didn't want to add anything new until I was going to be home for at least a month to keep an eye on how things play out and it looks like I will be getting that time soon. (I had a flame angel for a short time but it jumped out of the tank 2 weeks after I got him).
My problem is that I've read in other threads that my Yellow Tang will probably be very hostile to any new additions. I plan on getting at least another 50 lbs of LR before I get more fish but I was thinking of getting a flame angel and maybe a couple of clowns with an anenome.
My question is, how should I proceed so my Tang doesn't attack the new comers. Should I move him to a QT for a couple of days and then move all the LR around while he is out of the tank?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
usually tangs dont bother angels or dwarf angels if you arent gonna be around for the 1st week or so then for peace of mind rearange the tank but what happens will probably be because of your fish's specific attitude not that it feels threatened in any way to the newcommer
Well I don't know how to keep them from not attacking everybody.
I have a 100gal, and I just had to get rid of my yellow tang. I think he was more aggressive then the average tang,
but nothing worked. I tried the hole take him out for a couple of days and move stuff around, but with in 2 days he was back to chasing everybody around. He was even terrorizing my shrimp.. Little bustard..
N-E ways I had to ditch the tang...


Useful, it sounds like yours was more agressive than usual.
I have two yellow tangs that will usually intimidate new fish the first day, but everything settles down after a few days. I think they just want the newcomer to know the territories.
75g tank may be a different story, I have a 180.