Let's see pics of your triggers!!!!


All of our pics are on the computer at work. I have posted them before, but I will again when I get to the right place. We have a Pinktail, Picasso, and Undulated, Raz, Taz, & Spaz respectively.
I love your Humu, Dragon. Ours is about the same size, maybe a little bigger. We saw these liiiittle biiiiitty Humu's when we were in FLA last April, they couldn't have been 3/4" they were sooooooooooo small, soooooooo cute. :jumping: I was kind of worried that they may be too small to ship.
Anyway, I can't wait to see some pics.............Hurry...........Peace


Duh.........I had flash of lucidity.........figured out how to put them up from here......(I'm not the computer wiz...at all)
Here are our lovelies...........in our 125
Raz-Pinktail 5"-5-1/2", Spaz-Undulated 4"-4-1/2", Taz-Picasso 3"-3-1/2".



Active Member
Originally Posted by Triggered
I love your Humu, Dragon. Ours is about the same size, maybe a little bigger.
00nothing: How big is your Blue Throat? I've got one that is about 2.5-3 inches. He is very healthy but he doesnt have any of the yellow that yours has on his fins. Not sure if that is normal or not.


Originally Posted by DragonZim
00nothing: How big is your Blue Throat? I've got one that is about 2.5-3 inches. He is very healthy but he doesnt have any of the yellow that yours has on his fins. Not sure if that is normal or not.
Sounds like u got a female mine is about 3.5 had him for a couple of months now and hes always had that coloration
I love the picasso's so much wonder if i should tempt fate and try one in a reef tank


Originally Posted by 00nothing
My Bluethroat

That's am amazing shot. Does your trigger not bother your invertebrates?


Originally Posted by Triggered
Duh.........I had flash of lucidity.........figured out how to put them up from here......(I'm not the computer wiz...at all)
Here are our lovelies...........in our 125
Raz-Pinktail 5"-5-1/2", Spaz-Undulated 4"-4-1/2", Taz-Picasso 3"-3-1/2".
Is that an undulate Trigger I see there? Isn't he like a great white shark?


Originally Posted by nigertrigg
That's am amazing shot. Does your trigger not bother your invertebrates?
Not at all never touches a thing unless i give it to him, well thats with the exception of his aquscaping he likes to move things on me. BUT I dont keep any shrimp in my tank i know for sure they would become eel food


only if i could figure out how to post pics, let alone take pics, i have not yet gone out and got a digital camera but hopefully i will be buying one soon, very nice pics everyone.


Originally Posted by Nigerfish
only if i could figure out how to post pics, let alone take pics, i have not yet gone out and got a digital camera but hopefully i will be buying one soon, very nice pics everyone.
Best place to start when wanting to post pics
they make it real simple u upload the pictures and then under the thumbnail is a link as well as an img tag


Here's my clown's baby picture. He was about 2.5 inches at the time, in the Fall of 2003:

Here's my bad boy at 2 1/2 years old, approximately 8 inches, guarding his beloved cockles

Here he is hanging out with his little buddy:


Originally Posted by nigertrigg
Is that an undulate Trigger I see there? Isn't he like a great white shark?

Funny you should say that. The Pinktail is the Great White....or Eel, I'm not sure which.

The Pinktail will hide behind a rock and just slowly rise above the rock then swim around, we do the "Jaws" theme at that point.
The Undy is afraid of her own shadow, literally!! We have a tank ready for her when she decides to grow into her reputation, but so far, so good. She and the Pink are in love. They cuddle together all the time.
I love these fish, thanks for putting up this thread. Seeing everyone's triggers is worth waiting on the dial-up to download

beach bum

ok - i wish i had a current photo, but this is all i got. My titan - 3 months (approx. 4 - 4.25") ago in QT, right now she is a solid 4.5" in a 72 bow - have a 135 just waiting on skimmer that she will go into next. :happyfish