lets see some 29 gallons


Active Member
im thinking about setting up a 29 gallon reef and i wanted some suggestions. so i thought maybe you guys and gals with 29s can help me. i have a few questions. please list the dimensions of your tank, the lights you use including watts, how many lbs of live rock you have, and stocking list. im thinking about keeping all kinds of softies like mushrooms, zoas, bubble coral, brains, etc. thanks for your help.


Ok I love posting pics of my tank :cheer:
29 gallon, 30x18x12.5 130 watts PC lighting. up and running almost a year. Have no sump or fuge, just run a skimmer and about 35-40 pounds of LR and powerheads to = about 15x turn over per hour. Had trouble with trates for first 4-5 months (not sure why), but they worked themselves out without me changing anything (maybe bacteria levels caught up with bioload) all levels have been stable for last 6 months :happyfish :happyfish
2 purple firefish
1 false perc
1 bi-color blenny
fire shrimp
cbs (who will be moving to my 55 soon)
4 dusters
colt coral
yellow polyps
green star polyps
condy anemone
Some day I am going to get a really great full tank shot, but I don't have one right now



Active Member
well here is my 29 gallon, im in the porcess of getting my 72 here. These pics are not the best. I have had it set up for about 8 months. And i have 300watts of vho, a sump and abuot 50-60 lbs of LR and about 30 lbs of LS. I have a royal gramma, GS Clown, and a green chromis. Colt,xenia,shrooms,zoos,hammer,frogspawn,candycane,fat button polyps,2 BTA.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Rainfishy
A lion and trigger in a 29, your gonna get flamed

But your tank looks nice

LOL, that's a valentini puffer and the dwarf lion is said to be ok in a 29 but we moved him into our 55 since then. Thanks for the compliment


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rainfishy
Oh, thats a puffer :hilarious Cool, I'ld like to see it when it's puffed up. Got any pics of that??
It is actually really hard to tell when he is puffed and have only seen it a couple of times when first introduced. When puffers puff it is a sign of stress, so not a good thing to see. Also, a valentini is a toby so they don't puff up real big. We just love him though. Very personable fish.


Active Member
Hey rberhow, I am setting up a 29 long for my son, with a valintini. How is yours. is it pretty easy to take care of, and dose it bother crabs and snails too much.??
Sorry, dont mean to hijack.


Active Member
TeresaQ-I must say, very nice choice of fish for your son's tank. We absolutely love our valentini. This is actually our second one. Our first went carpet surfing while we were gone for a couple of days, very heartbreaking.
Our tank just wasn't the same and we had to get another one. I'm not sure why he jumped, they aren't really known for it from what I've read. Anyways, the one area that requires special attention with puffers is their teeth. They are continuously growing so you need to feed it foods that will wear them down. We feed ours shrimp in the shell or mussels. The only other thing, while transporting and placing in your tank, they should not be exposed to air. If they puff at that time, which is likely, they will suck air and it could be fatal. Otherwise, this is a super fish. They say they aren't reef safe but we have never had a problem. We have ours with a fire shrimp and bumble bee shrimp and he has never looked at them or the crabs. I hope your son enjoys his valentini as much as we do. If you ever have any questions, just let me know...
Rainfishy-thought you might like this pic as well. They both love the camera so much, its not hard to get them to pose. In fact, both our puffer and lion will squirt water out of the tank when we come up to it at feeding time. Now that is an eye opening experience the first time.


sorry to (continue) hijacking the thread, but I did post some pics so I figure I'm okay.

Anyway, I wanted to ask a little more about he valenitni puffer's diet. How often do you feed shrimp/clams? Do you feed a whole shrimp at a time? Do they actually eat the shell or just break it open? And when you say shrimp, do you mean just normal (shelled) cocktail shrimp? Do you have to open the mussels at all? Sorry for the questions, just trying to make sure before the next purchase.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gordie9
sorry to (continue) hijacking the thread, but I did post some pics so I figure I'm okay.

Anyway, I wanted to ask a little more about he valenitni puffer's diet. How often do you feed shrimp/clams? Do you feed a whole shrimp at a time? Do they actually eat the shell or just break it open? And when you say shrimp, do you mean just normal (shelled) cocktail shrimp? Do you have to open the mussels at all? Sorry for the questions, just trying to make sure before the next purchase.

NOt a problem, I love talking about puffmeister, as he is lovingly called in our household.
Our valentini is fed everyday, just like the other fish. Most of the time he eats our homemade fish food. Then about once a week, I throw in the teeth crunching food.
I like to do the shrimp as they are the easiest. I buy frozen saltwater shrimp at the asian market for like $8/2 lb bag. I cut the pieces about 1/4" across and throw it in. The pieces closer to the tail have a harder shell so I use those most of the time. The other pieces, I deshell and feed to our lion fish. Anyways, the mussels or you can use clams if you prefer too, you need to open partially and then just throw them in. I have only done these a couple of times but he loves them. He is such a cool fish. Are you thinking of getting one in the future? :happyfish


Thanks for the info. I'm still doing research on my final fish list. I'll probably add my next fish after the holidays at some point. The valentini is definitely on the short list though.


Active Member
Here is a picture of my 29 from right before i moved everything to my 70, and then a month later Hurricane Katrina killed it all.