Lets see some ingenious moon light ideas!!


lets see some ingenious moon light ideas!!
this is mine.
any one have any other cool ideas?
well i really wanted some diy moonlights, but didnt want to spend so much money on them!!
So this is what i did.
1. yanked out an old power supply in 1 of my old comps.
2. cut all the extra plugs and stuff except for 1 molex connector.
3. found the combination for the board power on and twisted together and clamped um.
4. taped all the small ends up so they wouldnt be exposed.
5. went to frys electronics and bought 2 12 inch blue cold cathode lights, w/a a molex converter, so that they bolth could be plugged into 1 molex.
this also came with a power on off switch.
6. went home and double sided taped them to teh back of the tank right underneith the lining so they are hardly visible if you look directly at the tank.
7. double sided taped the power supply to teh back of my stand on just a small support bar.
8. plugged in the power supply.
9. plugged in the lights and my whole room glows blue.
i think this was a very cheap like 5 dollar way for some amazing moonlights, that are extremely blue and bright!
what do you all think?
:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:


pics here we go, dont worry about teh cloudyness, i had just filled like an hour before these pics were taken.


New Member
well, i got lucky enought that my wife bought me a orbit set-up that has the LED's for my birthday (the shimmering effect is awesome). but before she went and did this, i had 2 thoughts of what i could do. the first, was go to radio shack and just link some LEDs. the other way (credit goes to weatherson in reef central) i was thinking about going about it was just a standard blue bulb that you can find at walmart and a simple lamp socket that gets plugged in (weatherson, being the aquaria genus that he is, went 10 steps further, and hooked his up to a dimmer and a computer chip that dims the lights to the cycle of the moon - full power on full moon, half power on half moon ect.)


wow thats amzing.
my idea is a manual way of doin it for about 5 buxx, but hell yeah more power to ya man if u wanna go full bore thats awsome!


Active Member
That's a really good idea, it really is. But the lights are very bright to be used as moon lights. It may disturb the tank's inhabitants' night/day cycle. I have moonlites from a Custom Sea Life fixture I can get a pic and post it tomorrow to show you them. Right now I'm on a skiing trip.


in the pic, the lighst are above teh water, i have since moved them down ever so slightly and raised teh water level, they are much better, they have less brisiliance and more illuminosity.



Originally posted by ViPeR_930
But the lights are very bright to be used as moon lights.

It looks great, but I was thinking the same thing. They might be too bright. I used blue christmas rope lights. It was very easy, no electronics work and cheap (~$5). Mine are so dim that it takes about a minute for your eyes to adjust before you can see everything. It is just enough light.



Originally posted by tru conch
zeus, im so going to use your idea! thats awesome. (and easy and cheap too)

There was a thread all about it. Do a search. Many of us did it at that time. Right now is the perfect time to do it since they can be bought at almost any store.