lets see some pictures.


I love to see peoples nice tanks, I will one day have a nice tank, but for now I have a 36gl bow front


Active Member
Just curious on a couple of things magic.
First off- I thought that you had a ten gallon loaded with stuff. You move around a lot since you are in the air force and you can't have a large tank moving around with..............not that a 36 is huge.
Second- I thought that you were looking for a 26 or 36 gallon bowfront to purchase within the last three or four days. Did you just get this very established looking tank???
Third- Where are all of the anemones that keep moving all over your tank??
Fourth- Why post a nice reef pic in the aggressive forum?
Nice tank...............whoever it belongs to.:rolleyes:


first off, the anemones are in my 10gl, and what I said was that 36gl was as big as I can ever have, being in the Air Force, And I never said why I was looking for one, also why are you such an ass hole my friend? you think you know me, but you know nothing.