lets see the agressive tanks heres mine


i have a 100 gallon tank that has been running for about 2 months. right now i have a burr puffer, porcupine puffer, niger triggerfish, snowflake eel, green wolf eel, a flounder, volitan lion fish,a blue tang,an emerald crab, and an urchin. just want to see some setups that other people have



Active Member
Hey, you are the first person that I've seen on the boards here that also has a burr puffer (Striped Burrfish) I love mine! We call him Mr Pickles



do you have trouble feeding your burr? i had to create a center divider to serperate the other fish and then drop some frozen squid in the side of the burr puffer and then he finally ate very slowly


Active Member
Well, if you'd call him being a complete food vaccuum being a problem, then no, I dont

He eats a LOT, very quickly. I do sometimes quarantine him off on one side of the tank at feeding time just to make sure that his tankmates get a chance to get some food. He's an eating machine!


mine is the complete opposite that is why i am worried about him. the burr puffers are not easy to come by it took me 2 months to get this one. my porcupine is an eating machine so hopefully the burr will turn around


I have a burr that I have had for about 1 1/2 years. He goes on eatting spurts, sometimes he eats alot sometimes not. I have found mine only like fresh shrimp from the grocery store.


Active Member
I guess I got lucky in more way than one then. I didnt order him or anything. I had a 5 inch Sohal tang that I had to get rid of about 8 months ago. I brought him into my LFS and they had just gotten the burrfish in the day before. He was eating like a champ at the store so I traded my Sohal for him and a female blue throat trigger. He'll eat anything I put in the tank, from krill, mysis, scallop, shrimp and even goes nuts over the seaweed I put in for my tangs.