Lets see them


Active Member

Originally posted by Liontamer
and finally, Harlequin Tusk

Awesome fish liontamer, thats the pic I have been waiting for!! Also do you know how big a full grown fuzzy dwarf is, I was just wondering because this sounds stupid but I might get one for my 46g. reef or a fu man chu.:D


Active Member
I really want to post pictures of my 125 aggressive but its not ready and there arent fish in it. I dont want to show people unitl its TOTALY done. I had to adjust my list b/c of the debate of getting three yellow tangs.


my tank is a 120 gallon. Its a perfec tank, imo, for lions. I got the tusk cuz i always wanted one, and to add color and movement cuz my lions dont swim. The BEST tank, commercially, would be a 180, but i dont have the room or the $$, and i got a great, i mean GREAT deal on this tank/stand. Fuzzy dwarfs, yea about 6 inches. A fu Manchu would be great fer yer reef, but then u cant have any shrimp or small fish. And a lion will signifcantly increase the biload of a reef becuz of their eating habits. My fuzzy has grown at a tremendous rate over the past few months, she is huge now. She and the volitan are chums, and the tusk is getting his bearings in the tank. He found his "spot", so now he just needs to learn to eat... I plan on getting an eel down the road, once i get a better glass cover (this one is about to fall in, laying on bear centimeters on the cross frame of the tank) and i might get sumthing else... still need to think about it though. Maybe a scorpionfish, a really cool scorpionfish. I was also pondering a longnose hawk, cuz i love them and my last 2 died (disease, then the tank flooding last spring) maybe if i get a big one, it wont get eatn by the volitan, cuz he just finally snagged my poor lmb this morning (


i dont think that there is such thing as a longnose hawfish thats big enough to not get eaten by a lion. i think that they only grow to five inches.


salt_hobbi, I have been meaning to ask you something..
i know you dont have a sump or fuge, and neither do i..
so I wanted to ask you how much water do you change per week and if you add any other elements to your water..
Buffer, vitamins, etc???
Also how many watts is your PC lighting and do you have only soft corals??