lets see those tangs


IMHO tangs are the most beautiful and probably the coolest fish available. Can you show off yours.?


Nice pics! I really like your Vlamingi Tang. It is a very nice fish. And it looks nice and healthy. I hate seeing skinny tangs, like the ones you usually see in a LFS.


Active Member
It's always depressing to see skinny tangs... but there's no chance of that when it comes to our vlamingi. He eats like a pig! So much so that his stomach bulges to the point where he looks like he's going to pop.
I love the way he colorshifts too... it's neat to watch. :)


My Naso is like that. He eats, and five minutes later he dancing from side to seide so that I can feed him again. The moment i put my fingers with food in a water he is biting me. And if any fish fish wants to eat 'his' sea weed he will chase them through the entire tank. I have to put three veggie clips, so that my other fish can get some food.


It is so hard to take pics of the blue tang. That is a nice one polarpooch. The light bounces right of them, especially the actinics.


Active Member
Thanks ajroc! It was one of about 5 that have turned out! I'll bet I've snapped over 50 digital pics of my blue, hardly any look decent. They just never want to sit still:)