Lets show off those predators!


The reticulated was killed in a fight with the stars and stripes. The stars and stripes was killed in a fight with the stellatus. They had been together for years with no problems. These fights occured at night. The stellatus could easily sever a finger if so inclined. The 2 groupers, stellatus and eel live together in a 300 gallon tank. I'm always very carefull when I clean the tank. The fish will take shots at my hands if I don't pay attention!



Originally posted by Niger12
Oceanveiws, how big is that broomtail, great pic:D

I have had him for about a year, he is about 9.5/10" (not counting his tail) he is a great fish!! He lives with a Naso tang, a panda puffer and a Emperor angel. Here is the angel.


Originally posted by triggeraa
Here are a few pics of my brothers old 3000 gallon shark pond.
Ya know, as a new hobbiest, My husband was teasing me awhile back that we could just sell off the pool toys and "swim among our new friends". I never dreamed that I'd actually see pics from someone who did just that:eek:
Very cool pics....just don't go have any wild parties in that back yard!


and our Naso Tang (yes, that is Romaine Lettuce, he only gets it occasionally as a treat because he loves it so much, Nori and a variety of herbivore diets (and the occasional chunk of shrimp that he steals from Broomtail when his mouth is full)are his main course) ;)


Triggeraa- that is AWESOME! Love the pics-I have always wanted to turn my pool into a huge system, but my labs would hate me forever for taking away their swimming hole! :rolleyes: