Let's show off!


I not sure how we can do this, but it would be pretty cool if we can show off all of our tanks. It would be neat to actually see some of the tanks and organisms that we discuss online. Maybe we can use some of the free webpages companies offer to start posting pictures of our tanks. Let's brainstorm.


Your user profile can include a link to a web page. I recently made a page and included the link in my profile. Just click on the little index card icon above each message or reply. Click on mine above and follow the link to see my tank (very humble but a good first Marine tank I think).The link opens up in a new window (on IE5 anyway) so you don't lose your place on this board which is nice.

ps... The email option in the user profile seems to be turned off, but the webpage option works.


I would have no problem maintaining a web page for us fish people. I know of plenty of places that offer free web hosting. People could email me the pics and I could add them in.


DennisH -
Hooked up to your site & Kudos Kudos to you!! I must say - VERY impressive. The photos are great! One thing I did notice - your tank is soooooooo cleeeeeeen - not ONE hint of yuuucchhh - GOOD JOB!! Ches