Lets suppose ich just nuked my tank...

What should I do since it killed all my fish inside of one day? How long should it sit now to make sure the ich is gone? Can I leave my inverts in there, they all survived the medicine I was putting in there. So what should be my plan of attack, I got 75$ in ***** gift certificates for Xmas so I should be able to replace what was in there. :(


Active Member
wait one month before adding fish, ich can live for 28 days(or something like that) without a host, your inverts should be ok, PROVIDING your meds were reef safe, just remember to feed them, just treat it as if you would with fish(do water changes and tests regularly), when you do go to restock, you will have to go slow, only one ro 2 small fish at first, because you have a small bio load, again


Be sure you've gotten rid of the ich as inverts can carry ich and you can not tell. I agree that you should wait atleast 30 days and go slow. Start with one fish and see if he gets sick or not before you spend all your money restocking. Goodluck and do the water changes. Good water is everything. ;)

here fishy

Since I have started soaking my food in a garlic solution I have not has any ick problems. Prior to this I had a lot of this with my tangs. I also have cleaner shrimp as well as a cleaner wrasse in my reef tank to help control parasites and such.
Heed the other posts about waiting for it to cycle out. Patience will be be a reward to your new purchases in this case!