Let's Talk About Ratings...

Ill start this thread off with one of my favorite quotes from the past few years:
"Considering that American Idol is the highest rated television show in America today, I see no correlation between ratings and intelligence or quality."
I've been browsing the political threads and have noticed that about every third post, someone uses FOX News or CNN or MSNBC to try and back a point. Then of course it always turns into "You should probably listen to FOX, which has far and away the most viewers and best ratings."
Ok, let's talk about ratings for a minute, shall we?
For all of you who believe that FOX News is the Gold Standard because they win the ratings war and have the most viewers... do you also believe:
McDonalds (with it's 47 million served each day worldwide) is the bee's knees of dining?
WalMart (with it's insane majority market share) is the answer to all your retail needs, simply because that's where everyone shops?
And of course there is American Idol, the top rated show where bumbling idiots embarrass themselves on national television by thinking they can "sing".
I could go on and on all day, but I am hoping you get my point.
Did it ever occur to you guys that maybe Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh are just the puppet masters, pulling the strings to say whatever will grab them the most viewers/listeners from their demographic?
I mean don't get me wrong, if I knew all I had to do was talk down on all things liberal, make sure I added "Hussien" to the middle of Barack Obama's name every time I said it, make racist and sexist comments, and basically metaphorically pleasure the lowest common denominator (which makes up the majority of this country on both sides of the aisle) for $30 million a year, I would too.
I'm just tired of people acting like FOX News is this shining beacon of light, when in reality, the entire network is nothing more than soft core ----, mixed with over zealous, loud, obnoxious anchors and hosts, who stage their shows to not only make themselves look strong and intelligent, but make the "guests" look weak and wrong. And let's not forget the 30 second "Fox Alert" graphic and doomsday music they play to come back from pretty much every commercial.
But hey, they only use that for really important and serious journalistic stories, like yesterday, when the Fox Alert informed me that "LaToya Jackson was on the red carpet last night."
Whew! Thank you FOX News, I don't know where i'd be without you.
And just for the record, instead of doing the usual defaulting to "Well Kieth Olberman does this", and "CNN does that", why don't you actually try and defend the deplorable actions of the Godfathers of conservative politics (OReilly, Limbaugh, Hannity and Colmbs, etc)

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
I've been browsing the political threads and have noticed that about every third post, someone uses FOX News or CNN or MSNBC to try and back a point. Then of course it always turns into "You should probably listen to FOX, which has far and away the most viewers and best ratings."

I have never seen anyone use the ratings or viewership of Fox news to back up a political point. Just to show Fox has a higher viewership over the other networks combined. Illustrating that conservatives tend to watch news stations more than liberals....
Your entire thread is dumb and shows your hypocrital nature yet again.. You bash fox news left and right, and ask us to defend their actions without stating what the other station are doing and pointing out their tactics and actions. Yet you have failed to defend the other stations yourself. Instead you have done just what you asked us not to do....How very Obama of you.
Why does the use of the Presidents Middle name bother you. No one made a big deal when John F. Kennedy's middle initial was used regularly.


Active Member
And Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Clemson, there are still Americans and American media that love America and kinda think we are the greatest country. The left wing media and the left wing people of America seem to have a problem with that. If I am going to be defamed and impugned for that, fire away.
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I have never seen anyone use the ratings or viewership of Fox news to back up a political point. Just to show Fox has a higher viewership over the other networks combined. Illustrating that conservatives tend to watch news stations more than liberals....
Your entire thread is dumb and shows your hypocrital nature yet again.. You bash fox news left and right, and ask us to defend their actions without stating what the other station are doing and pointing out their tactics and actions. Yet you have failed to defend the other stations yourself. Instead you have done just what you asked us not to do....How very Obama of you.
Why does the use of the Presidents Middle name bother you. No one made a big deal when John F. Kennedy's middle initial was used regularly.
Well for the record, the majority of people did and still do in fact say "John. F. Kennedy" or "JFK". This may also come as a big surprise to you, but "Fitzgerald" doesn't quite carry the same negative connotation as "Hussein" either.
In fact, I would bet my first born child that if Barack Obama's middle name was, let's say "Miller", that you would never hear anyone on the right use it. And why is that? Because "Miller" says American, whole, righteous, Christian...
As for my being a hypocrite by bashing FOX News, I think your point is somewhat flawed. You are using the classic deflection method as not to talk about the real issue at hand. I asked you to defend the actions of Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh.
Nowhere in my post did I say "Please respond by asking me why I didn't mention the tactics and actions of other stations". In fact, I think I actually went out of my way to request that you don't
do that.
If you want to have a discussion about CNN or MSNBC or whatever other station you want, I would be more than willing to do so. But that isn't the issue here.
And for the record, could you please explain the term "how very Obama of you"? I'd love to use that out and about, as I am a fan of topical humor.


Active Member
It isn't just that Fox has high ratings, it's the demographic they draw from. It it was just conservative propaganda they wouldn't get the number of Democrat and independent viewers they do. Most intelligent people want to see the issues discussed from both sides and none of the other networks do as good a job of having guests from both sides of the issues as Fox, period. Fox does provide conservative commentary shows like Hannity but anyone who considers O'Reilly a "Conservative" must think Karl Marx was a moderate, but anyway they do fill that void. If NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR and most newspapers were so liberal biased I am sure Fox wouldn't be doing as well as it is.
And I can't think of anyone who has said because Fox has high ratings their argument must be correct.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Well for the record, the majority of people did and still do in fact say "John. F. Kennedy" or "JFK". This may also come as a big surprise to you, but "Fitzgerald" doesn't quite carry the same negative connotation as "Hussein" either.
In fact, I would bet my first born child that if Barack Obama's middle name was, let's say "Miller", that you would never hear anyone on the right use it. And why is that? Because "Miller" says American, whole, righteous, Christian...
As for my being a hypocrite by bashing FOX News, I think your point is somewhat flawed. You are using the classic deflection method as not to talk about the real issue at hand. I asked you to defend the actions of Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh.
Nowhere in my post did I say "Please respond by asking me why I didn't mention the tactics and actions of other stations". In fact, I think I actually went out of my way to request that you don't
do that.
If you want to have a discussion about CNN or MSNBC or whatever other station you want, I would be more than willing to do so. But that isn't the issue here.
And for the record, could you please explain the term "how very Obama of you"? I'd love to use that out and about, as I am a fan of topical humor.
What has Rush Limbaugh got to do with Fox News or Oreilly done that needs defending?
Originally Posted by mantisman51
And Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Clemson, there are still Americans and American media that love America and kinda think we are the greatest country. The left wing media and the left wing people of America seem to have a problem with that. If I am going to be defamed and impugned for that, fire away.

See my response above about the whole "middle name" thing. As for you and your feelings... Seeing as you used the words defamed and impugned, you obviously have a higher level of intelligence than your average Joe Sixpack. And what you said is the heart of what I think is wrong in America today.
If I am reading what you wrote properly, you are implying that left wing media, and the left wing people of America seem to have a problem with "loving" America.
Obviously you think I am left leaning, which means I assume (and please correct me if I am wrong) that you think I don't love America.
Did it ever once occur to you, that I do love America, and that's what has me and the rest of the left so irritated by the political discourse in this country?
The core principal of what America was founded upon.
But now, because the majority of young people in this country, and the world for that matter, are disconnecting themselves from what made "America" what it is today, that is considered "tyranny" and being a "traitor".
I hate to break the news to you, but take a look back in the mid 1700's on our nations east coast, and tell me why a few years later we as a new nation decided to break away from Great Britain.
2009 America is nothing more than a modernized version of 1700's Great Britain. We've gotten too powerful, too greedy, too arrogant, and now the common man feels like he is being unfairly taken advantage of.
Why did I vote for Obama? Because honestly he was the lesser of two evils, and you can be darn sure that I am voting one way or another, because it's things like my right to vote, that make America great.
I'm not terribly excited that he wants to socialize things as much as he is trying, but again, the lesser of two evils.
Unchecked and unregulated capitalism is just as bad as socialism in the end, it just takes longer to see a negative effect, and when it finally comes, it's much worse.
So if you have an answer, if you have a reason for me to be happy and optimistic about anything a conservative can offer me, then I am 100% on board to listening to you and whatever person or group you think can save this country.
Originally Posted by reefraff
What has Rush Limbaugh got to do with Fox News or Oreilly done that needs defending?

And to be completely honest, it's people like you who are the problem.
Let's talk about your avatar for a minute. You are blatantly defaming the President of the United States of America by putting an acorn on his head (Which I can only assume is a stab at the a.c.o.r.n. group) and hanging a cigarette out of his mouth with a hazy look on his face.
What happened to respect in this country? Whether you like it or not, he is the President of the country you live in and "love".
Back in 2007, I had a chance to meet George W. Bush at a political fundraiser in New Albany, Ohio. Even though I am completely against most of his policies, I thought it was an absolute honor to shake his hand and say hello to the leader of my country.
And do you know why? Because I love the fact that America is democracy, and democracy is what elected him as our leader at the time.
Just because YOU are now in the minority, do you think that somehow gives you the right to show that sort of disrespect to the man that was elected by the people, simply because you don't like him?
If you love America and what it stands for, then you would think that at least respecting the office of the president would be part of that.
Alas, for you it isn't.
And that's not only disrespectful, but a sad statement about where this country is headed...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Well for the record, the majority of people did and still do in fact say "John. F. Kennedy" or "JFK". This may also come as a big surprise to you, but "Fitzgerald" doesn't quite carry the same negative connotation as "Hussein" either.
In fact, I would bet my first born child that if Barack Obama's middle name was, let's say "Miller", that you would never hear anyone on the right use it. And why is that? Because "Miller" says American, whole, righteous, Christian...
As for my being a hypocrite by bashing FOX News, I think your point is somewhat flawed. You are using the classic deflection method as not to talk about the real issue at hand. I asked you to defend the actions of Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh.
Nowhere in my post did I say "Please respond by asking me why I didn't mention the tactics and actions of other stations". In fact, I think I actually went out of my way to request that you don't
do that.
If you want to have a discussion about CNN or MSNBC or whatever other station you want, I would be more than willing to do so. But that isn't the issue here.
And for the record, could you please explain the term "how very Obama of you"? I'd love to use that out and about, as I am a fan of topical humor.
How very Obama of you means "do as I say not as I do.".
Letme breakdown for you this way. You asked us to defend the way the news is covered on Fox (not Limbaugh and O'reilly as you are now saying". Yet the other stations are using the same tactics just the other side of the aisle and you haven't defended those tactics. So your entire pretense goes back to, "do as I say, not as I do"...basically you are condoning the behavior of MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN and just criticizing Fox for the same methods.
Your motive is clear....denounce a conservative based station without denouncing those stations that support your view. So until you explain the actions for the one sided talking points of those networks, I will refrain from defending the actions of fox. I will say this, Atleast Fox on their debate/opinion shows (which is what O'reilly is, he is NOT news) They are usually pretty good at debating both sides...unlike the other shows.
Do you consider Bill Maher news? If no, he is in the same category as Hannity, O'Reilly, Rush, Savage, and so on.......they are opinion/entertainment/discussion shows. They are no more the news than The View is.... If you answer yes, then that is your problem....the media over the last decade has change the public perception of what classifies for news VS. Opinion.......
I don't find Hussein offensive...those that do are ignorant, if you view the use of his middle name as offensive that is your problem. Even those who support Obama use his middle name when discussing or praising him....I seem to remember a song written by a teacher about Obama that included the following line repeatedly....
"Barrack Hussein Obama...mmmm...mmmmm.mmmm"
He also used his own middle name when he took his oath of Office, not all of the Presidents do this....


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
And to be completely honest, it's people like you who are the problem.
Let's talk about your avatar for a minute. You are blatantly defaming the President of the United States of America by putting an acorn on his head (Which I can only assume is a stab at the a.c.o.r.n. group) and hanging a cigarette out of his mouth with a hazy look on his face.
What happened to respect in this country? Whether you like it or not, he is the President of the country you live in and "love".
Back in 2007, I had a chance to meet George W. Bush at a political fundraiser in New Albany, Ohio. Even though I am completely against most of his policies, I thought it was an absolute honor to shake his hand and say hello to the leader of my country.
And do you know why? Because I love the fact that America is democracy, and democracy is what elected him as our leader at the time.
Just because YOU are now in the minority, do you think that somehow gives you the right to show that sort of disrespect to the man that was elected by the people, simply because you don't like him?
If you love America and what it stands for, then you would think that at least respecting the office of the president would be part of that.
Alas, for you it isn't.
And that's not only disrespectful, but a sad statement about where this country is headed...
You're going to take a shot at my avatar after the way the left treated Bush
Maybe I should show the decorum the Democrats do and just use a Obitler morph instead

Still waiting to hear what Limbaugh has to do with Fox and what O'reilly has done that needs defending, but nice try at the redirect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
And to be completely honest, it's people like you who are the problem.
Let's talk about your avatar for a minute. You are blatantly defaming the President of the United States of America by putting an acorn on his head (Which I can only assume is a stab at the a.c.o.r.n. group) and hanging a cigarette out of his mouth with a hazy look on his face.
What happened to respect in this country? Whether you like it or not, he is the President of the country you live in and "love".
Back in 2007, I had a chance to meet George W. Bush at a political fundraiser in New Albany, Ohio. Even though I am completely against most of his policies, I thought it was an absolute honor to shake his hand and say hello to the leader of my country.
And do you know why? Because I love the fact that America is democracy, and democracy is what elected him as our leader at the time.
Just because YOU are now in the minority, do you think that somehow gives you the right to show that sort of disrespect to the man that was elected by the people, simply because you don't like him?
If you love America and what it stands for, then you would think that at least respecting the office of the president would be part of that.
Alas, for you it isn't.
And that's not only disrespectful, but a sad statement about where this country is headed...
So SNL is disrespecting the office? They have used the President of the United States as the butt of their jokes (Dem or Rep) for as long as they have been on the air.
Originally Posted by reefraff
You're going to take a shot at my avatar after the way the left treated Bush
Maybe I should show the decorum the Democrats do and just use a Obitler morph instead

Still waiting to hear what Limbaugh has to do with Fox and what O'reilly has done that needs defending, but nice try at the redirect.
Limbaugh has nothing to do with Fox, I was simply using him as the daytime equivalent to O'Reilly, as one is the highest rated cable news show, and the other is the highest rated political radio show.
And to be quite honest, I'm not talking about "the left" here, I'm talking about you. I'm talking about Reefraff.
So because the left does this, and the left does that, you think it's ok for you to do the same huh?
Like I said before, nothing but a complete show of disrespect and lack of class...


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Limbaugh has nothing to do with Fox, I was simply using him as the daytime equivalent to O'Reilly, as one is the highest rated cable news show, and the other is the highest rated political radio show.
And to be quite honest, I'm not talking about "the left" here, I'm talking about you. I'm talking about Reefraff.
So because the left does this, and the left does that, you think it's ok for you to do the same huh?
Like I said before, nothing but a complete show of disrespect and lack of class...
We get it, you don't like someone poking fun at your boy Obama. Get over it.
So what has O'reilly done that needs to be defended?


Active Member
By the way, in his last election I donated enough money to the Bush campaign that I got the deluxe Christmas card.
Even so I have posted this up several times

I think it's funny as hell. Someone with a stick up their poop shoot might take offense.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
And to be quite honest, I'm not talking about "the left" here, I'm talking about you. I'm talking about Reefraff.
So because the left does this, and the left does that, you think it's ok for you to do the same huh?
Noiw you are changing the subject? Not once have I seen you call out anyone on here that called Bush a Nazi or a Liar....Oh wait, they support Obama so that doesn't matter.
Bottomline, both sides of the aisle do this....To denounce one side for doing it (as you are doing) but ignoring the other sides equally offensive or biased action is Hypocritical on your part. Your whole agendais to paint FOX, RUSH, and O'reilly as bad and substantially one sided and to ignore the points of view from the lefts side.
To be honest, I think you are still pissed from getting owned on RUSH's show when you called in. Because you feel that since you have 2 degrees you are worth more money than you are getting paid......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I have never seen anyone use the ratings or viewership of Fox news to back up a political point. Just to show Fox has a higher viewership over the other networks combined.
This is, in point of fact, not true. Fox is the highest rated CABLE news network. It is not
the highest rated news network.
Illustrating that conservatives tend to watch news stations more than liberals....
Conclusion is false because the premise was false.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
This is, in point of fact, not true. Fox is the highest rated CABLE news network. It is not
the highest rated news network.
I am not aware of any "News" networks that aren't cable.
If you liked the last one how about this one

And Vinnie was claiming Bush was golfing during Katrina


Active Member

While all the networks are available on cable (and/or satellite), the ratings institutions still distinguish between cable and airwave. In aggregate, FOX is #4 behind ABC, NBC and CBS, in that order.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno

While all the networks are available on cable (and/or satellite), the ratings institutions still distinguish between cable and airwave. FOX is #4 behind ABC, NBC and CBS, in that order.
But not too far...