lets try this again.


Active Member
wow everyone. well im really impressed with the level of maturity here, i really miss being a part of this community. anyways, there are a few people i miss talking to. how has everyone been? i've gotten a promotion and will be done with high school in a few months, probably around april, then graduation in june. im very excited, i got a 30 on my ACT, so im looking forward to college in the fall. ive completely restarted my life, got rid of all the people i used to kick it with, because they were bringin me down. i have new best friends. my neices are doing great (as some may recall, a very good friend of mine killed herself this year, they would be her daughters.) ive gotten all my christmas shopping done, and now im just spending time with good friends and my family. everything is going great. to my knowledge, there is only one person who wants to brutally murder me anymore, so thats a plus. i just got home from work (the roads here are atrocious) and im going to bed, but i would like to know how everyone has been and whats been happening. happy holidays everyone.
edit// by the way, ive completely left the hobby. i wish i had the time and energy to maintain it, but i was at the point where i couldnt give my tanks the attention they deserve, so i sold them. maybe ill start again someday, but ive seemed to completely lose intrest, so maybe not.

tank a holic

Active Member
Good to see you.
I remember you had a thread that you were thinking about selling out but hadn't made up your mind
Thats an awesome score glad you're doing good with school and your entrance exams
and I cant wait to see what you got me for christmas....

sounds like you're headed in the right direction


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Congrats Alix, glad you're doing well.


Weird sense of humor and all...your a great/smart Young lady, sorry you gave up the hobby... that explains why you are not around much. Too young and full of life, what a great reason to not keep fish.
got a 30 on my ACT, so im looking forward to college in the fall....

Congratulations on the promotion!


Hey Alix....all is the same here with me and all my tanks :)
I am very glad to hear that things are going good for you....Congrats on the ACT score...that is excellent.....any ideas what you have in mind for the future...what college??? Course of study?

al mc

Active Member
Good news all around. More important that the ACT score is getting away from people that bring you down. Does not matter how smart one is if you surround yourself with frienenemies that take you down the wrong path.


Active Member
yeppers. im thinking kent state, since its right here. my cousin is going there too, so thats pretty sweet.
but other than that, everything is great for once. im finishing up my christmas shopping on thursday with my friends josh and brittany, and then hitting a bunch of christmas parties in akron and cleveland all week.
glad to hear everyone is doing well, i hope the rest of the country isnt as cold as ohio, at least the roads werent too bad today...
oh, and tank a holic: think along the lines of what i got you last year, haha.
my hamster says hi too, he keeps climbing on the keyboard and typing stuff.


Active Member
You got my tat drawing done yet? Have you forgot about it already...

As a reminder....Mickey Mouse. Ring any bells?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
yeah for dead baby jokes!
sheeeit i almost forgot! yeah those will definately always have a place in my heart. T316, i havent forgotten, but i dont think i have the mental capacity to do anything like that and have it look decent. plus my computer is about a step and a half more technologically advanced than a commodore 64. haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
T316, i havent forgotten, but i dont think i have the mental capacity to do anything like that and have it look decent. plus my computer is about a step and a half more technologically advanced than a commodore 64. haha
Just keepin' it real...
Once you become rich and famous, I'll remind you again


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Just keepin' it real...
Once you become rich and famous, I'll remind you again

She'll be rich and famous after she gets her article published. You know, the article on Vikings and the Effects of Occupational and Housing Changes on Status.

Glad to hear that you're doing well

tank a holic

Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
She'll be rich and famous after she gets her article published. You know, the article on Vikings and the Effects of Occupational and Housing Changes on Status.

Glad to hear that you're doing well

I cant wait to see her college thesis that vikings are only vikings on a boat


Active Member
how did i miss this
glad to hear all is well , you still need to make a road trip down here to hang with me and mah crew sometime


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
You need a avatar alix, here you go. :p

wow, thats an old one, lol.
Originally Posted by jennythebugg

how did i miss this
glad to hear all is well , you still need to make a road trip down here to hang with me and mah crew sometime

looove me a good old road trip. if i ever get the hell out of this town and venture in search of something warm, ill drop by, i dont think you get much farther south than texas. my bff and i are going to ocean city this summer for a few days, because shes never been to the ocean. sooo excited :)