Lettuce Caulerpa?


Hi everyone. My husband bought this stuff the LFS guy called lettuce caulerpa hoping to help keep the nitrates down in our tank. But now i'm not sure if it's the right kind of caulerpa. It doesn't seem to have any roots so I don't think it can attach to anything. Also if I just leave it free floating in the tank it will not only look wierd but will probably clog the overflow box of the wet dry. I was thinkng if placing it in the sump but won't it just die and foul the water if it doesn't have roots? I'm just not really familiar with macro algae. I tried to do a search on lettuce caulerpa but didn't really find anything. Thanks in advance. Any input is always greatly appreciated. :D


Active Member
We have a piece of this stuff in our F/O tank, I just set it up on one of the piece of slate we have in there, it doesn't go anywhere, just stays put, a couple of our fish eat off it. Kinda different looking stuff, added a little color to the tank. Later Lisa



Originally posted by BLUEBERRYBOOMER
We have a piece of this stuff in our F/O tank, I just set it up on one of the piece of slate we have in there, it doesn't go anywhere, just stays put, a couple of our fish eat off it. Kinda different looking stuff, added a little color to the tank. Later Lisa

Hey Blue - did the lettuce algae grow or just get eaten? I just got some today and did a search and found this post. I'm hoping to grow this stuff in both of my tanks.


Well-Known Member
I suspect you got ulva which is lettuce like. When i put some in my display, it usually only lasted a few minutes. Is fish food. Additionally, as you implied, it is not too exciting. Just lays there.
I think the more plant like algaes more interesting. There are tumble week like gracilaria, kelp (solid leaved) like and feather caulpera, money plants. SWF has saving brushes which are a form a macro algaes.
Additionally there are true marine plants such as turtle grass and mangroves. They have roots and circulation systems. My turtle grass has survived and is growing but i still do not have runners sent out for new plants.
Whatever you use, The addition of any will help out a tank. To preserve what I got I set up an old 20g long to culture the plants/algae. Then I took some out to the display each week.



Originally posted by beaslbob
I think the more plant like algaes more interesting. There are tumble week like gracilaria, kelp (solid leaved) like and feather caulpera, money plants. SWF has saving brushes which are a form a macro algaes.

I agree. I have red and green marcos. Some fern caulepa, bubble and shaving brush.
I got the lettuce too mostly for food but my fish ignore it. Now, the turbo snails LOVE this stuff!.