Lettuce Nudi update and pic


Active Member
Just wanted to say that my lettuce nudis are still doing awesome- the continue to chow down on their hair algae and are just fun to watch. I hace had them for about a month now and they have doubled in size. here is a pic of one of them posing for me
Gorgeous picture! I've seen the other pictures of your tank and nudibranch and they are beautiful! Nice work. I'm still trying to work with my digital camera to produce good quality pictures.
I've been wanting to try a lettuce nudibranch but have been hesitant because of some of the negative feedback that I've heard about them. But, judging from your success and the success of others on this board in keeping them, I may just try one.


how many do you have and what is you tank size?? I think one of these would help with my little algal prob. :)