lettuce nudibranch and peppermints?


I just received a swf.com shipment, and I got (overly?) brave and bought a lettuce nudibranch, as I have tons of hair and other algae, and have been led to believe this will keep the nudibranch happy.
Well, I went to introduce him into the tank, and before he even let go of my finger to settle on a piece of hairy LR, one of my (very big) peppermint shrimp grabbed him from my finger and started to make off into the rockwork!
I rescued the nudibranch and placed him in the fuge which has significantly less algae.
So do I get rid of the peppermint shrimp, or do I keep the nudibranch in the fuge?


Also, have any of you had luck with lettuce nudibranchs? I am so worried that he won't eat and that my buying him will do him in. I hope he survives -- he's gorgeous. What do I do if he doesn't eat the algae?
i bought a lettuce nudibranch from saltwaterfish.com to and put him in the tank saw him the first day and haven't seen him since that was back in sept or oct. don't know what happened to him but i have some peppermint shrimps to.


I have five peppermints. Thursday I introduced a lettuce nudi..he has been on the glass all weekend. I havent seen the peppermints give it a second look.


I have had 3 lettuce nudibranch. The first one I had lasted about 1 month before my green britle star got him. The next two lasted only one day. The difference is that I had a peppermint in the tank when I introduced the last two.
I had a lettuce nudi for about a week - the peppermints (about 5) left him alone as long as they had their daily shrimp feeding.
The powerhead, alas, was not so selective - i found him dead and plastered against its side ... Live and learn


Okay, so what I hear you saying is that a)I should not have bought him, and b)chances are it'll end in heart-ache.
So for now, he'll stay in my fuge.