lettuce nudibranch question


since time of purchase i have had 2 lettuce nudibranches and they seem healthy but seemed to have shrunk any ideas thanks


Active Member
Not only is hair algae important but they need strong lighting as I believe they use photosynthesis.


lighting isnt the issue and and they seem to be eating as well the algae off the glass is where they usually do their thing. i thought i did enough research on them. the funny thing is they dont look ill or seem ill they have just shrunk a bit.


Active Member
Lettuce Nudibranch's are not photosynthetic.
However, they also do not just eat hair algae. They eat a specific type of hair algae called bryopsis.
If this is not the type of hair algae you have, the reason they are shrinking is that they are starving.


Active Member
Really?:notsure: I always thought they relied on lighting for additional nutrtion and this is why you almost always see them out in the open. Well thanks for the correction then.


Active Member
You know what? I take it back. I was wrong. Looks like I was the one who didn't do quite enough research...

I just double checked, and found this...
"...The Lettuce Sea Slug incorporates the chloroplasts (the portions of the cell responsible for photosynthesis) from the algae into its tissues, and thus relies on photosynthesis for part of its energy..."
Sorry for misleading you...


I have some lettuce nudibranchs in my sump that seem to like some of the dried seaweed combos containing Bryopsis,when the hair algae runs short. I just drop part of a sheet in and they make pretty short work of it. It must be ok for them since they are fat and happy and almost a year old.


Active Member
Just be sure to keep the little guys clear of green brittle stars. I miss my little guy!