Lettuce Nudi's


Active Member
I was just wondering about people's personal experiences with them - I'm considering one for our 65g reef as I've heard they eat algae but I don't know what kind?
Any info is appreciated! (I've looked on different sites that sell them but I'm reluctant to trust soley on that, you get a lot of conflicting information from online LFS's)


Active Member
i just got one from this site. all it eats r the algae film growing on glass of the tank and live rocks.


they eat hair algae as well I offer mine algae sheets it eats them if it mosies by


Active Member
Originally Posted by markeo99
they eat hair algae as well I offer mine algae sheets it eats them if it mosies by

They do? That's what I was wondering as I really only have a few tiny patches of this, not enough to warrant a sea hare and just enough to be a pain in the behind to pluck out by hand (odd angles in rock crevasses)
Plus I like the look of them. Anyone know how long they live?


yes they do mine does its just like he cuts the grass he eats it real short not gone but real short than the snails will finish it up
as far as life expectancy not very long unless you take precautions just like an anemone you need to have screens on your overflow and all your pumps I have had mine for 6 months or so


Active Member
Originally Posted by markeo99
yes they do mine does its just like he cuts the grass he eats it real short not gone but real short than the snails will finish it up
as far as life expectancy not very long unless you take precautions just like an anemone you need to have screens on your overflow and all your pumps I have had mine for 6 months or so
+1 for the screens, i used to have one in my 72 but then i got tired of taking him out of my drilled box thing cuz he would always get sucked up into it, so i gave him to an lfs


even more so I even lost a small hippo tang to my korilia I use a nylon pantyhose cut a chunk slip it on and throw a rubber band around it