Levels havent changed


Here are my readings right now for my cycle:


>5.0 low range

> high in the normal range

Temp 79.5
this is what it was 12 hours after rock and ls put in and this is what it is today week later, is this normal it hasnt changed. I understand they arent going to be zero but what about all the spikes I read about


Active Member
Patience, my friend, patience!!! This is what we need when decide to start with SW hobby. One cycle is very different from another. One may finish cycling in a 3 days, other 2 weeks, third..... more or less.
Make sure that you have a circulation within the tank and your ammonia test kit is OK. Some ammonia test can show you 0.25, but other brand will show you 0. As for nitrite and nitrate... there is a progress.
Good luck!!!


Perhaps you are not challanging your cycle very hard. Put 1 raw shrimp in there and then enjoy your test scores.
Got agree with Barracuda on the patience thing.


yeah mine didnt move for about week and a half till after i added some leftover Krill i had. Then the very next day my ammonia started to rise. I havent check everything else yet...........


You said to put rock in your tank. Was it live rock or just rock. If it was live rock then there should have been enough die off to start it. If it was just rock then I wouldnt expect a cycle to occur. Drop a shrimp in there and see what happens.


Active Member
Every tank cycles differently...Barracuda is right on the money...my tank took a month from start to finish...
If you have ammonia, nitrite and nitrate in the tank, it IS cycling. Give it time...not an easy thing to do when you want fish in the tank, but needed nonetheless.


sorry so long to get back. I think one thing could be is the fact that I put a lot of ls (more today) I have been getting ls and lr from lfs so I think the rock is a bit more cured then mail order some of the rocks I have prove it cause they dont have very much die off and some have still a good bit. I did have two shrimps in my sump/fuge but I took them out right before they desinigrated was stinking up my room. I will just have to be patient I guess, by the way I have a red sea test kit if anybody was wondering what kind.
Today I replaced the stand with a real wood stand....what a pain in the as*! My other stand was compressed wood and I think it was starting to buckle and the money spent on new stand and the work involved was worth the insurance. So anyway all is well now, but cycle will probally start over again. Got 30# more live sand today.
Also speaking of which my rock and sand had a smell to it today as before when I bought it it didnt have any smell, whats up with that normal cause of cycle?
Well back to drinking beer!!! :D