levels OFF the CHART


Last night a BUNCH of formula 2 flake food was spilled into my tank, well what I could not scoop out I let settle so I could do a water change with the vaccum, well I did that and everything seemed fine this was around 11 last night. Well when I woke up - 7 this morning the water was cloudy, my cleaner srimp had croked and the 2 damsels as well, :scared: The Yellow tang just barely holding on for life I quickly put him in the qt tank, He seems to be doing better, He went from laying on his side to swimming around again. After doing a level test I see that even after the water change my nitrite and ammonia are off the charts and I still have snails, crabs and live rock (or what I hope is still live rock!) :notsure: What in the world do I do to salvage the remaining items, The qt has copper in it so I can only put the fish in there and I would really like for my lr not to be dead rock!!!!!!!!! Please anyone help me Thanks Tasha :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:


water changes, water changes, water changes. that is the only thing you can do. i would do one massive water change around 40%, and then a couple small ones 10%.your gonna have to move your live rock as well because i'm sure there is some stuck underneath and inbetween them. take all your ornaments out too.

darth tang

Active Member
I had something similar happen to a ten gallon freshwater tank. My five year old was feeding her fish....alot...half the can of flakes. If you have any filters you need to clean them out as flakes will get trapped there.........and cause problems. I took a net and scooped out what I could by making a whirlwind effect after taking out fish. Then syphoned the bottom till half the tank was empty.
Your live rock should be ok, just shake the crap out of it in the tank and place it in a bucket of fresh saltwater for the time you are cleaning your tank.
By some extra snails if you can to help eat anything you might miss.............


Well I guess I will start my water changes....My yellow tang is back to laying on his side again, so I don' tknow if he is gonna make it
Thanks for your posts-Tasha