Levels went back up??


3 days ago my clownfish died. I had checked all levels about a week before he died everything was normal. Now i checked this morning and here are my levels.
ammonia: 0.5
Nitrate: 10
Temp:77 dergrees
Salinity: 1.022
What should i do?


Any ideas on how long he was in there dead? Cuz if it was only for a short time, the levels shouldnt spike like that and you might need to look for another cause. If he was in there for a while, those would be a normal death spike.
Either way, keep an eye on them. If they dont come down reasonably soon, think water change until the parameters stabilize.
Just to elaborate a bit, I lost a clown in my 20 gal QT which has about 15-20 lbs of LR and 2 cups of LS and he was in the water until I woke up (dont know how many hours he was dead in there, but it was less than 7). I didnt get any ammo or trite spike.
All that to say, check to make sure theres no other source for the ammo.


Yea..Im not sure how long he was dead..But he was alive when I turned off the tank light before I went to bed and When I woke up he wasnt alive. What else could cause the ammonia to spike like that? Any suggestions? Do you think i should do a water change..and how much of one?


has your tank fully cycled? how old is the tank? ultimately 0 trates is good but at 10 your okay. more info on your tank also like what kind of filtration, lr, ls and how many fish.


Heres everything about my tank i can think of at the moment.
55 gal, 50lbs of LS. 60Lbs LR. 1 powerhead, protein skimmer, a carbon filter, I have left, 1 blue damsel and 2 mexican turbo snails. My tank is pushing 2 1/2 months old. and yes, im pretty sure it has cycled. Started at 4 weeks.
And what about nirtites at .5?


Active Member
Something is wrong and I think something has been wrong. IMO, the tank did not cycle properly to begin with. Do you have anything other than the LR and LS for filtration and 1 powerhead (basically) for circulation? I seem to remember you put food in the tank to cycle it but did you have a high ammonia level followed by high nitrites and lower ammonia, finally O on those two and only nitrates?
Yes, .5 on both ammonia and nitrites are bad. Also consider getting the water tested at the LFS which would have a different test kit.


By any chance did you just recently add that live rock? I thought in a previous post, when your yellow tang was dying, you said you didn't have any live rock. Because it seems to me that kind of addition would cause the levels to rise. Or did I not understand you correctly?


yes, u did understand me. I just added the LR about a week ago, but i bought it cured and the guy told me at the LFS said that non of my levels would be affected since it was cured. When i couldnt find my ammonia test i went and bought one and my ammonia was a little high but went back down. Now its back up again! Poor Fish they probably hate me!
Cant seem to get this right.


Well, I'm new at this too but my understanding is that you put in a whole bunch of live rock (cured or uncured) to START the cycle. Then after fish are in, you only add cured rock and only in small increments.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you started a whole new cycle.


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Well when i first started my tank, I was told i didnt need LR. Only on here is when i found out that it was a good idea. Thats why i put it in there. I guess its not a big deal if its cycling again. Im not getting any more fish for a while anyway. I was thinking about getting more snails, shrimp and crabs. Would that be okay? Im just about to give up, I love this hobby but i just seem to be making mistakes everywhere! :confused:


If I were you, I wouldn't add anything else until your levels are back down to zero ammonia and nitrites and near zero nitrates. Then add some snails and crabs. Wait for maybe a week - give your system time to adjust, test your levels again, then add a very small fish. Always wait at least 1 - 2 weeks between each new addition and only if your ammonia and nitrites are zero.
Hope this helps and Good Luck.


Even if you buy cured rock from a LFS, you're going to experience die-off and ammonia spikes. Their water that they cured the rock in is most likely different that way you're using, in the way it is aquired (they are probably using RO/DI and you may be using tap or distilled) and they could be using a different salt mix, etc. IMO, I would take everything out, buy a shrimp from the store and toss it in and let it cycle for another few weeks.


Originally posted by malounsbury
I would take everything out, buy a shrimp from the store and toss it in and let it cycle for another few weeks. [/B]
I just realized, when I answered I was thinking you just had snails in your tank. If you still have fish left, then I definitely agree you should try to take them out while your tank is cycling.