LF fish suggestions


55G, restarted about 3 weeks ago...
going to wait another 2 weeks or so for tank to continue cycling, has been looking good so far, tank was cycled w/. 20# LS, and I add about 1 decent sized piece of LR/week (aprox 5# ea.), right now theres is about 20# of LR, want to get up to around 30-40# before I add fish. One of the tanks did had a blue leg hermit hitchhiker, and he appears to be doing well (very active).
let me know if any of this sounds like an over/underkill/suggestions.
Heres what we are looking to eventually have. (please ignore any spelling errors ;) )
A *peaceful
* reef tank. The better half would like an anoeme w/ a clown (black percula), other than that, just a colorful, active tank.
We are going to SLOWLY build up to a reef tank, starting out with a FOWLR, letting it get established, then sometime late this year-next year st
art adding some corals if all goes well.
A few suggestions for a first fish &/or some must haves (aside from a cleaning crew, which we already know we'll need) will be much appreciated.
I know she would also like a yellow tang &/or a spotted sweetlips, but i have already warned her that i think the tank may be too small, am i correct in this? I thought that tangs would be better off in a 90+. I managed to find a compatibilty chart, to use as a guideline, but have been unable to find a size chart to see what all would be well off in a 55g.
Sorry for the long read, and thanks in advance for all comments/suggestions.


Active Member
the tang needs at least a 90 gallon, and it will still outgrow that. the spotted sweet lips needs to just be left in the ocean, they get huge, but are pretty cool fish.
for a 55 heres what i would do.
- black percula- maybe consider getting a pair?
- a blenny or goby (most will do just fine in your size tank)
- sixline wrasse (everybody and there mother has one, but there awesome, active fish)
- flame hawkfish.
- and if you want one more fish, i would suggest a dwarf angel of some type (possibly a pygmy, coral beauty, flame). they are hit or miss on being reef safe, but as long as you keep him well fed, i bet he wont pick or do any serious damage.


was looking into mandrin goby, but from my understanding the tank should be up at least a year before he gets put in correct?


correct mandarin gobies eat pods which grow in lr, you need lots of lr, probably over 70 pounds (most likeyl more)