LFS going out of biz. - 10 new corals! - 125 reef!


Where to start?
My favorite pet store is going out of business. - I'm quite sad. - They QT their livestock,they take trades, they sell frags. - What could be better? - To bad my city doesn't value them as much as I do. :(
But turning a lemon into lemonade is what I do best.
I bought $600 worth of corals for $250!!!!!
I'm to lazy to point out whats new and old. - So you can just enjoy pictures of the whole tank! :) - If it looks like it isn't open all the way...its more than likely because its new! :)
Leave comments!



Active Member
Very nice tank. Looks good. To bad the place is going out of business. Looks like you made out quite well though.


Yeah I did.
Thing is, its kinda like inheriting a million dollars from your grandparent when they die. - Its nice to have, but honestly you'd rather have your grandparent.
I'd rather have my favorite pet store than a few corals at a good price. - I'll miss the staff, i'll miss how I could haggle with them on the prices of corals. - I loved even more how I've been going to the same pet store since I was 12 years old. I literally new everyone, bought my very first beta fish there.
Its a very sad day, but I'm sure where they fall another store will rebuild and the cycle of life goes on....just its hard to see them go.
Bright side is, I can look at my tank and drop my jaw at some corals I would look at 3 or 4 times a week wishing I could afford. - Not only could I afford them but I got most of the ones i've always wanted. - That orange racordia is open now...its bright orange with amazing green center pieces. ..before the new corals my tank lacked alot of color, I got these neon green candi coral. - normally they sell it for $30 a HEAD. - I got the whole thing with 5 heads for $50!!!!
My zoa's are amazing now...
Blah. - I'm starting to rant. - See what happens when you have a couple glass's of wine! :)


Tank looks amazing. I had a LFS go out too, but it wasn't quite as forseen as yours. One day they were there, about a week later they weren't. I still am not really sure what happened, but everything is gone and i never even caught word of them leaving.

Congrats on the good deals, but at the same time i feel your pain.