LFS guy has me all confused on lights..help!


New Member
I have a USA Current Satelitte system...it has to do for now. I HATE that 7000k/10000k bulb...the light is too yellow...it makes me crazy. Fish store guy said to replace with a 10000K and a 420 actrinic(sp)...as in replace the 7/10 dual w/ a 10K and replace the 420/460 dual with a 420. I don't have a deep tank and right now I'm not planning on any clams or stony corals. Would my tank be better off with 2 of the smartpak (50/50) bulbs? Would I get a better light distribution with a 50/50 bulb on both sides of the fixture than with a 10k bulb on one side of the light fixture and a 420 on the other side of the light fixture? I know the 50/50 come with 10K/460; I know the 420 light is better but as I said my tank isn't that deep.
I APPRECIATE GREATLY any and all opinions :D I'm so confused.