LFS in Maryland


Anyone on this board from Maryland? I would like to get some live rock and holy cow is it expensive. Just wondering if anyone had any that they wanted to get rid of or if anyone could tell me where they got theirs. It just seems a little crazy to pay all that plus the shipping. I live in western MD to be more specific.


I am from Baltimore and I can assure you paying for it online is a lot cheaper than my buying it from any LFS. Close to double the price minus shipping.


Yeah, I know. The LFS here sells it for $9 a lb. That is crazy. I guess you go to the Aquarium Center near Baltimore. Their prices are just as bad. I guess I will be ordering online.


Aquarium Center and House of Tropicals are both good stores. Aquarium Center I feel is a cleaner place to buy fish from as it seems they take great care of the facility. Buy a fish from there yes, rock not a chance


New Member
I also live in Maryland in the whitemarsh area. You could try ThatPetPlace in PA or just order it online. I got 45 pounds on line. One note with online ordering. Have it sent directly to your local FEDEX or UPS depot it will get there faster and does not have to spend the day in the back on a truck.
Good Luck



Originally posted by ackermsb
Aquarium Center and House of Tropicals are both good stores. Aquarium Center I feel is a cleaner place to buy fish from as it seems they take great care of the facility. Buy a fish from there yes, rock not a chance

yup. All my fish came from there... but everything else? NOT A CHANCE. I understand the need to support your LFS but when it is a matter of 30 to 70 bucks for a piece of equipment that is too much money that you are basically throwing away. And LR is a joke... the last time I was there they had it for close to 10 bucks a pound. Insane. :eek:


New Member
Hey Fellow Tankers.
I also frequent those LFS but I did get some bad advice from them when I started but after many suggestions from this site and all the helpful people I got it straight and they took the fish back.I live in the Arbutus area so I am in the middle of both.The aquarium center I feel has alot more knowledgable people there but as for the equipment they are just crazy prices.I spent 1900.00 on my tank and after learning more and looking on line i could have gotten the same set up for about 900.00 if I bought everything online.(Dont get me wrong they sold me top shelf stuff and the tank is great now) but a 55 gal ,stand, lid lights JBJ sump with a skimmer , live sand ,25 lbs live rock. Should not cost that. (I have added 35lbs more since. I bought it from this site. It has been great lots of plant life and critters but the three crabs really caused a prob.) I have 2 clown fish that have been there since the 2nd day the tank was set up.A spanish hogfish and a gobey.They are very small but really active and the tank is flurishing.I have mushrooms and a brain coral and a clam I will post pics soon.I do not have a digital camera yet.Any one in the maryland area who wants to chat or has any suggestions just chat at me.hellams111@yahoo.com Just stay the corse and learn as much as you can knowledge is power.