LFS in North Carolina?


Anyone here in North Carolina? If so, where? I just moved here from Miami, FL where there was practically a SW store on every street corner. Now I'm living in Fayetteville. Does anyone know of any decent LFS around here, or in the state within a reasonable driving distance from here? -Because I have yet to find a single one. Hope to hear from you :)


1 new one in Kernersville.
Join the ncfrag group... Best bet. You'll be able to get your corals for less
Example - I just sold a few of my toadstool leathers:
1" for $5
2 inch for $7
2.5 inch for $10
4+ inches for $20...
Our LFS would have that 1 incher for at least $14.99


aegiale i know what your talking about, there are stores everywhere just on bird road their are four and two of them are next to each other well hope you make your way back to miami


Thanks, everybody. I'll definitely look into the frag club.
Don, I always went to the stores on Bird Road because I lived in Coral Gables and they were so close. Got married and had to come up here because he's in the army, otherwise we would've stayed there for a while longer. But, with the exception of no good fish stores, I really like it up here... *gasp* better than Miami :) The weather is beautiful and we have seasons here, the mountains aren't too far, neither is the beach, and the location is more central. It's a nice change.
If I ever move back to FL, it'll probably be north like around St. Augustine. Miami's just too MIAMI for me, if you know what I mean. It gets a little irritating after a while, and is just too humid, but still is a fun city. There's never a lack of something to do; somewhere to go. My family and friends all live there, so I'm back about every 3 months or so.