Lfs Ng


I just wondered if everybody elses LFS guarantees their saltwater fish. Mine doesn't and I didn't know that. I just bought a flame angel and it died within 24 hours.


Active Member
My LFS does not guarantee their SWF. This is because there are so many idiots out there who have no idea what they are doing. THats just the way it is for me.


Active Member
I work at a LFS and we do not have any guarantees on saltwater animals. I do not own the shop and I didn't make the rule, but I think JacknJill pretty much sums up the reason why. Anyways, I believe many of the animals that do die within 24 hours were actually from improper acclimation.


Active Member
My LFS has a 24 hour guarantee but you need to bring in reciept, dead fish, and a water sample (not containing the dead fish in it). The manager tests your water and then determines whether or not you get your fish replaced.


i never heard of a lfs having a guarantee ever in my life


Originally Posted by JacknJill
My LFS does not guarantee their SWF. This is because there are so many idiots out there who have no idea what they are doing. THats just the way it is for me.

like buttheads that put saltwater fish in freshwater tanks what retards


I know the Petland in my town has a 24 hour guarantee with reciept water sample and dead fish. I'm not sure about the fish store, but they are really nice people so I think they would. I wouldn't know I've never lost a fish.


Originally Posted by dmjordan
My LFS has a 24 hour guarantee but you need to bring in reciept, dead fish, and a water sample (not containing the dead fish in it). The manager tests your water and then determines whether or not you get your fish replaced.
This is pretty much what every store down here does. Works ok unless you wake up and your $49.99 flame angel died and only a little sliver of his tail is left from the crabs. They want at least 51% of the body


New Member
Mine dose for 24 hours but they need a water sample form your tank as well, and if it is a obviouse tank owner problem they dont.


Active Member
One way to safeguard yourself from buying a fish that may die quickly, is to find out how long it has been at the LFS, what the SG. is that he is being kept in, and acclimate accordingly. Never buy a fish that just came into an LFS...most disease will manifest itself in the first few days from stress of handling. Flame angels are generally cyanide caught unfortunately. This may take up to 2 weeks to kill the fish. They can look perfectly fine..and are often very bright in color.


Originally Posted by JacknJill
My LFS does not guarantee their SWF. This is because there are so many idiots out there who have no idea what they are doing. THats just the way it is for me.

what lfs do you go to? becuase I see you are in North Carolina

nm reef

Active Member
A couple of the above responses are just a bit on the harsh side and aren't appropiate under any condition on these forums. Please ...in the future try to find a more pleasent means of informing us of your negative view or opinion.
Any marine purchase in a risky proposition but there are steps that can be taken to improve the odds of a healthy purchase.
Research the speciman...
observe them in detail at the LFS (even over a period of days if possible)
Properly acclimate them after making the purchase.
...and probably most important is establish a trust with your source.
I seriously doubt if many LFS's can afford to take the time to properly acclimate all their livestock additions. But I can trust the place I do most of my business takes the time to provide proper conditions...I'm confident they take the time to properly maintain their systems. I'm also confident that they do the best they can to insure the providers of their livestock are top quality.


Active Member
I think there are some other factors involved where you can increase your chances of getting a partial if not a full refund..........
My LFS does the standard 24

Do they know you personally-deal with one person all the time....

Do they test your water before buying.

I call to document my file with any fish issues within 24 hours or so.

I can not see a LFS not giving something for a regualr
...You get points for showing up and being seen then you get doulble points for buying.


Active Member
In all reality why would one need a guarantee...A guarantee is more or less a token of good faith on the shops part more than it is a guarantee of health.....If a fish looks healthy, eats and is doing what ts supposed to do when yu buy it, and you acclimate them properly, and have them in a properly maintained setup, there is really no reason they should die within 24 hours or 1 week or 2 weeks.....I like to look at fish i shops even if I am not looking to buy. I like to visit these shops just as they open up espeically after a holiday or weekend especially if the shops are not open on a Sunday etc. You can pretty well get a good idea just how well a fish is according to how well the other tanks are kept and a good visual of all the fish in the other tanks be it fresh or salt..Our main LFS here (strictly SW) has inventory tags on all the tanks with dates fish was received.....sure makes it nice to be able to see when fish came in and how they are doing. If its been there for a week or two there is no reason it should die the next day if bought........at least not because the fish was sick.
I can see somewhat of a warranty on mailorder......as it helps sway a potential purchaser to buy online. Shipping is stressfull, much more than simply bagging the fish at the lfs and carrying it home.......So my view is warranty helps ease any potential for a lose if by chance a fish does not make it during shipping......however a lot of places have a lot of bells and whistles to ring and blow toget satisfaction when they are received dead.......I rather buy at a bit higher price and not have to send bodies back or make a claim within 2 hours of receipt etc.......One place has 14 days......no problems or questions asked, no bodies to return or water samples to send either, Just callem and tell em the fish died and a new one will be sent imediately or a credit issued to your store account or credit card. Thats hard to beat in my opinion.


Active Member
My lfs also does not have a written garentee but if i have a fish that dies within 48 hrs they will normally give me credit for a new fish .they are given 48 hrs by their suppliers for full credit. when purchasing any new fish be sure to ask them how long they have had the fish for and ask to see it eat prepaired foods (not brine shrimp or live feeders).if the store has done its job properly they should already have the fish feeding on prepaired foods.quarentine all new arrivals.chances are if they have not had the fish over 2 weeks period of time it has not adjusted to their set ups yet and transporting them before that time is up causes more undue stress and most fish cannot survive the acclimation no matter how properly you do it.if you have doubts but dont want to loe out on a nice fish purchase the fish and have the store hold it for you for the nessesary acclimation time.a good store will do this for you