LFS or Saltwater.com


Just started my tank today. I got a 90 gallon pre-drilled tank with a nice filtration system, sub-compact lighting system, cherry hood and stand, and protien skimmer for $750. It's about a year old, but in great shape. Was looking for this at the LFS and it was 3 times that. I got all of my salt, chemicals, etc. from them this afternoon. Tank is set up and running, salt is in as well as phosphate killers. Live sand is in the bags in the bottom of the tank. I didn't want to open them until the salinity was right but wanted the water already displaced when I filled the tank. I'm new to the saltwater reef tank hobby as of today. My dilema is this: LFS wants $9/lb for live rock and thier fish are expensive. Everything here at Saltwaterfish.com is at least half that with free shipping. I'm getting support from the LFS and I want to get my water from them for changes because it is RO. But, I also want to save money. What is a newb to do?


I have used both. The deal with SWF is you have to purchase a minimum of $79 worth of live stock. Then you get free shipping...sort of. You still have to pay a processing fee and fuel charge. This runs about $15. Still cheaper than paying for shipping at other sites. If I know I am going to make a large order I will go with SWF. If I just want one or two things I will go the the LFS.


Active Member
saltwater is a great site.....saving money is everything in this hobby. You will need to cure the live rock if you get it shipped to you via mail, but it will be well worth the time, besides you still need at least 3 months to let your new tank cycle. So I vote for ordering from online!!!! Welcome aboard!


I appreciate the replies. So I'm going to have to cure the stuff from SWF? After reading the description here, it says it's already cured. Not a big deal either way, I just set the tank up today. I'm going to pop my 3 20lb bags of live fiji sand tomorrow after I check my salinity. How long would have have to cure my SWF LR? Should I get some damsels in a few days to add to the cycling process or just do it with some biostart, my live rock and sand?


any LR cured pre-cured or raw will still have some dieoff in shipping and will cause a spike in ammonia. some less than others. The best advice on that is always act like it needs cured to protect your investment.
as far as LFS vs online sources is with online you dont get to pick your specimen see them eat or anything like that. other the other hand the price is better cause normally they dont have a store front to maintain. I usually try to purchase as much as I can from a local source but use online sources when the price is right and size doesnt matter.
in essence use both but shop around to see whats there. I personally havent ordered from SWF but have heard good things about there prosucts.


Thanks for the replies! I opened my sand today...things are looking good. Live rock tomorrow. Salinity is a little high 1.025, but I think I'll be okay.


Active Member
Welcome to the boards!
First advice is to buy This Book . Your LFS may have it.
Next, decide what kind of tank you want, filtration, ect.
Next, DO NOT buy damsels... if the local fish store tells you they will speed up the cycle they are either lying or uninformed. Cycling kills fish, and the damsels that do survive will be terrors in your tank. They get big, aggressive and ugly as adults.
Cycling a tank with live rock is a great way to go. The packaged sand you bought isn't really "alive". Live sand has pods, snails, tiny stars, worms, etc. Packaged live sand may or may not have live bacteria in it. That's how they get away with calling it "live".
My opinion; Since you are setting up a new tank, buy the book I mentioned, use it as a guide to curing some uncured live rock in your tank, and you'll be set!


I've got a few books and of course YOU GUYS! The tank is already running with a wet/dry filtration system. I've also got a sweet light set that has 3 LED moon lights and REALLY bright actinic and white lights. I got my 90gal tank, the stand and matching hood (both Cherry), the lights, the wet/dry system, and a protien skimmer for $750. Is this a good deal or what. I thought it was. The guy had it a year and had a live reef in it. But it was his smaller of two tanks and he needed to get rid of one of them. So it was nice and clean when I got it. Put the water and salt in yesterday. Salinity is 1.025 and the sand is in now, open and settling. Tomorrow I plan to get some live rock. Is 40 pounds of cured good to start with? I'm hurtin for money and the LFS wants $9 per pound. I put biostarter in it, some PH/KH buffer in it becuase levels were high this morning. Nitrates are at 0 as they should be. Sand is open now, so I expect them to rise. Rock tomorrow. How much? That's the question. I'm in no hurry by the way!


well if you are getting 40# all at one time your going to spend about 360$ I would look at some online sources for live rock including SWF you can get it much cheaper and most places include shipping. and in most cases a better quality and diversity/


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
well if you are getting 40# all at one time your going to spend about 360$ I would look at some online sources for live rock including SWF you can get it much cheaper and most places include shipping. and in most cases a better quality and diversity/
That's what I was thinking but I wasn't sure. I think I may just go that route.