LFS question for New England area.

Has anyone ever been to or purchased from Tropic Isle Aquarium in Framingham, MA? If so could you please tell me what you thought of the store?
Thank You,


If you are ever in the area stop by Greenwich, Connecticut to a place called House of Fins. They are ranked in the top 10 in the United States in fish stores. Amazing stuff! Kinda pricey but always worth my 1hr trip.


Hey Brink, I work in Danbury and live near Waterbury, do you vist and LFS's in theDanbury area?

aquarius 1

I live in Rhode Island and I took the trip up there and it is a pretty nice place. Their show tank is gorgeous and they have a very large stock of saltwater fish to choose from. They take excellent care of all their tanks and livestock and all fish are in excellent shape. The only negative point about it was that it seemed to be a bit pricy as far as fish. I mean it is probably worth it because the fish are in such good condition but I'm used to buying fish on-line and pay much cheaper prices. Overall it is a good LFS and I do recommend that you stop in.