LFS Visit


Active Member
I just went to my LFS again today, which is great BTW, and was amazed with the changes. They finally fixed one of the 300G Display Tanks, and put in all new LS, LR, etc, and it looks great. They had a shoal of about 15 Blue Chromis in it, and it was simply amazing. In the Aggressive Display there were some changes as well. They doubled the amount of LR, adding some huge Lions, and now have some smaller feeder damsels in there for the Aggressive Effect. Also, they had in a Walking Batfish, which had this little angler popping out of the bone below its snout/nose, it was so cool, and now I want one. So, how big of a tank do I need for one? I know they like open sand, feed on snails and other inverts, and they were marked for $29.99. So, any suggestions on this fish?
PS This post is to brighten my day. I had a few problems earlier in the day, but this changed everything.


I don't recognize the name "Walking Batfish". The two I researched are pinnatus batfish which grows to 18" to 20" inches, requires at least 100 gallons and is okay in a reef-type setting but is recommended for a species only tank; and the orbiculate batfish which gets 15" high, also requires lots of room, likes water almost "brackish" in quality, can't be recommended for a reef setting particularly as an adult,and can't be kept with any fin-nipping tank-mates.