LFS Water Test


So i went to my LFS today to test my water just to see how things are going so far. My tank has only been up for 4 days. The clerk tested the water and told me that everything was fine and nothing stood out that wasn't supposed to be there. :notsure: I'm a little confused because I was sure it wasn't ready yet. I plan on going to another fish store tomorrow. I have a 25g. Live rock and sand.
What do you think? :confused:
Thanx ahead


Active Member
What is in the tank at this current time (live rock, dead shrimp, etc.), and what exactly did the LFS say your water was testing at?


They didn't tell me too much, PH 8.5, and she said everything else looked just fine. I'm a little skeptical. I have live rock and sand. I used 2 damsel's to start cycling. Like I said 25g. Salinity is at 1.023, not sure if that is good or not. I have about 20lb live rock, couple lbs sand.


I'm gonna go to another fish store tomorrow and see what they have to say. I'm gonna be more specific and get the numbers. I had my dog with me tugging me around talkn to the lady today at *****. I can't imagine that it would be ready by now, but i've never done this before so what do i know? :p


Active Member
Yeah, I cannot imagine it could be done by now either, so getting the numbers will be your best bet.
Also, I am not a big fan of ***** stores, not only due to reputation, but due to others experience (though I have never personally bought a fish there). Often times they willl tell you things just for you to buy something. It's seems that in that store it's all about the bucks. I really cannot go in there because I find myself helping people too much when they are given horrible advice from employees. A friend of mine, uneducated at the time, walked out of their store with a newly purchased nano cube, 20 lbs. of uncured rock, and a mandarin that he was told to buy from two different employees who both said it would be great for his tank. He is more educated now, thankfully.


Active Member
Theres no way its ready. If the live rock was cured and you got it local its probly getting everything the fish are putting out. If the tests come back neg next time try over feeding "not good in saltwater world after cycle" but it should get it going.


Active Member
Don't get a second opinion, get a test kit and check your own water. You will need one down the road anyway. If you set your tank up with fully cured live rock and live sand both bought locally it is possible the tank is ready but with the price of livestock to you want to trust the opinion of a ***** employee?


Could you give me some reliable brand names for test kits. I'm gonna go get one today. Are the lithmus paper or the drops better?


Active Member
But you haven't, IMO, challenged the tank. If you are truly cycling with damsels, you must feed the tank very heavily to get a lot of ammonia in there (which is why it is nicer to cycle with a dead shrimp, or even just a bunch of fish food). You have to challenge it. It doesn't surprise me if you have two damsels and LR that there is nothing going on. But I wouldn't take that to mean it is ready to go.
Personally, I would take the damsels back, put some shrimp from the grocery store in there, and push that tank hard.


Active Member
you should do your own test like said above.
do yourself a HUGE favor and get a tank log.
every time you test you mark in your numbers. if you change somthing you mark it in the book. keep trak of EVERYTHING. that way if and when somthing goes wrong you will have a much easier time figuring out how to fix it. it also helps you to notice up swings in your readings and catch things before they go to far.
also like said above unless you took used water from an established tank along with fully cured live rock and established live sand there is no way that tank is ready in 4 days


Well i went and got my test kit yesterday and did a test, the results are as follows. This is after 5 days now.
pH - 8.0 little low
Ammonia - .25 ppm
Nitrite - 0ppm
Nitrate - 0ppm
Any thoughts?


Active Member
Your pH is fine so long as it is stable. DO NOT add any buffer without checkin alkalinity and calcium.
What brand of test kit is this?