
d0 thy d3w

i dropped by at the lfs today just to look around...(wasnt planning on spending money) and who do i see??? the guy who first instructed me in keeping saltwater fish...(my first attempt was almost a year before i found this site)...and anyways..hes bascially the guy who will tell u that everything is alright even if u tell him ur amonia is off the charts hed probably recccomend u buy a puffer...so far this sounds like just about every LFS out there...true?? and also today while i was looking at the selection of SW fish he pointed out one of their new shipments...which he claimed was some kind of wrasse...of course i went along with it because im a respectful person and ddint want him to feel like he was stupid and unknowledgeable or anything..but the fish he pointed out was actually a clown...it wa sthe only one in the tank...im not an expert on clowns so i dont know what kind it was but im pretty sure it was a clarkii...the picture on the bottom of the tank that said what type of fish it (supposedly was) showed sum type of wrasse...it was mostly red with sum white coloration on it..i dotn remember what type it was...but now to my point....PET STORES SHOULDNT BE TRUSTED!!!


Active Member
Not all LFS' are bad. There are tons of great ones and good ones out there.
Sometimes, the customers are just as bad, if not worse, than some of the fish store employees out there.

d0 thy d3w

true..there are some good ones out there..but for every good one there is probably 2 or 3 bad ones...i envy all of u who have good pet stores near u...the very same one i went to today...had sum type of puffer..i believe it was a dogface..not sure tho..in a tank of what id guess to be less than 10 gallons..and it was a pretty good sized puffer..poor guy was just sitting around the bottom....


Active Member
Originally Posted by d0 thy d3w
true..there are some good ones out there..but for every good one there is probably 2 or 3 bad ones...i envy all of u who have good pet stores near u...the very same one i went to today...had sum type of puffer..i believe it was a dogface..not sure tho..in a tank of what id guess to be less than 10 gallons..and it was a pretty good sized puffer..poor guy was just sitting around the bottom....
2 or 3 bad ones for every good one? I'd hate to live where you live.


Active Member
I've found that most of the stores that I have been in have some mislabeled tanks not because of ignorance but due to the turn over of livestock and not updating the prices quick enough.
I also understand that there will be some mortality in an LFS. These fish were on a reef a few days ago. Their world is being rocked and some inevitably will perish regardless how good the good the stores acclimation process is.
I think we need to cut the LFS's a little slack.


I wouldn't necessarily throw a blanket statement out, and there are plenty of good ones, but indeed fishstore advice should be taken with a . . . wait for it . . . grain of salt.
While I'm hardly experienced enough to really know a heck of a lot, I have learned to simply take their advice "Under consideration." Even though the owners and usually the employees are enthusiasts in the hobby, it is a business after all and if they don't move their products, they won't be in business for long.
We have two dedicated fish stores (And a general pet shop that actually has a nice fish department run by a couple of seemingly pretty on-the-ball fellows) and even I, based on what I've learned here and other reseach, can see that they're not always giving out the most sound advice. Of the two dedicated shops, one told us to go with the cycle-by-damsel approach, the other said to use Bio-Spira and we could start adding fish the next day.
Sometimes it's simply a case of the "That's how I've done it for 20 years" syndrome, sometimes ignorance, sometimes an effort to make a sale.
I've also already noticed an interesting dynamic . . . and that's the relationship between the independently educated buyer and the people running the store and I keep that in mind whenever I'm in a local shop. The owners/employees undoubtedly consider themselves the "experts", and probably consider most customers ignorant and in need of education. It's only human nature that a self-considered expert might bristle and be less cooperative when somebody they consider uninformed contradicts them with "by the book" statements, not the knowledge of the ages they themselves have earned through their hard labors . . . like "Hey, I've been doing this for years and if this dork doesn't want my advice, fine with me, let them struggle without the help I'm giving them." Thus, whenever I get advice at a local shop that goes in complete opposite of what I've learned elsewhere (in several books and here), I usually just nod and say something like "Oh, okay, thanks." Seems like you get better and more in-depth information if you appear to be receptive to it . . . to a degree. I've had to coach my wife in this, the other day we were in a local shop picking up some chromis and she commented that they were going into our QT. The store employee said (Something to the effect of) "Oh, you don't need to quarantine them, you could put them right in your tank." Then my wife responded with, "But that's not what our book says." I sensed a bit of resentment from the employee and afterwards told her about the nodding-acknowledge-thank you technique.
One other factor is that it's probably just the owner/operator whos really the resident expert. Seems like most employees tend to be younger and undoubtedly less experienced and more likely to hand out misinformation, although I'm not sure it's always intentional. Just last night we were in the store again checking for small clowns and we asked about a couple they had and the young man actually admitted he really didn't know too much, and then went and asked the owner for more information.


Active Member
I must say, I drive 45 minutes out of the way to go to this particular LFS even though I have closer ones to me. These guys seem to be on point and would not sell to me when I came in once because my water wasn't ready. Then I was going to buy about 20 lbs of live rock for x-mas (a present from my pops) and he informed me that it was still curing and I could take it, but he'd rather I come back in about a week or so to get some.
People like that who are in business to make money, but are considerate and will do what is right willing to take a small loss earns my business and trust time and time again.

d0 thy d3w

yeah..i understand all this that alot of pet stores can be good...but the advice of the employees should be taken with caution if your a beginner...as many places will sell u an expensive fish that you cant care for in ur tank..and not give it a second thought..but soemtimes they can be helpful..so like i believe sumone else said..just take it into consideration..and if ur unsure...just ask on the boards here..or do a bit of research


Man, I would hate to drive 45 minutes to get to my LFS, for one my car would probally catch fire (it has before) and two thats a pain in the ass. My store is less than ten minutes and five miles away, there wicked helpful and know a lot. Although this one guy I talk to told me I dont need to quarantine my new comers, I come here and every one is all for it. Im still on the fence as to what Im actually going to do. I only plan on having 5 creatures in my tank (lobster, crab, shrimp, clownies) which isnt that much of an investment but its not like I want anything to die or get hurt. Ive still got a little more to read in the archives but Im not completely sold on buying another tank and pump just to quarantine. stupid hobby, why are you so expensive?


I have to agree wholeheartedly! My experience with the only lfs with saltwater (until a new one opened here about two weeks ago) put a very sour taste in my mouth. Of course, the first one...the one I was using...is a pet store...dogs, cats, birds, rodents, and fish. For a while everytime I went in there was a new face...mostly young face. And every single one of them had a FABULOUS tank at home and "this is what I'd do" advice...which, btw, never worked for me! So, after 3 months, many headaches, the near death of my little fishies, tons of wasted $$$ (even though I did definatly learn a lesson), and a near divorce over the tons of wasted $$$, I found the boards and have learned more, and gotten more STABLE advice in the past 2 weeks than in the first 3 months!
The new store is fish only, mom and pop set-up, however, there is one girl working there from the other store, so I'm not too quick to put my faith there either! :joy: I'll definately run things by all here before I make a final move on anything!


Active Member

Originally Posted by rad
Although this one guy I talk to told me I dont need
to quarantine my new comers, I come here and every one is all for it. Im still on the fence as to what Im actually going to do.
I was on the fence as well until I recently had an ich outbreak which wiped out my whole tank. I now am running it fishless for the next 6 weeks to remedy the problem. Needless to say, I now have a 10 gallon quarantine tank. It got off the fence real quick.


But see, thats my problem. I only have a 12g, getting another 10g would just piss me off. Could I quarantine two clowns in a 3-5 gallon with no lighting? I know the lighting is only *recomended* but highly recomended at that. I dont want to kill my tank but Im a cheap

. Any affordable solutions would help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by d0 thy d3w
...but now to my point....PET STORES SHOULDNT BE TRUSTED!!!
You are so right..We should order all livestock site unseen from a website



Originally Posted by rad
But see, thats my problem. I only have a 12g, getting another 10g would just piss me off. Could I quarantine two clowns in a 3-5 gallon with no lighting? I know the lighting is only *recomended* but highly recomended at that. I dont want to kill my tank but Im a cheap

. Any affordable solutions would help.
I couldn't help myself but to respond to this one.
If you're going to have a SWF tank, you have to invest the $$$!
You can't afford to be a cheap


So get yourself a setup. If you're that cheap, you could drive around your neighborhood on garbage night and probably find a tank/pump/light right on the curb! You could also try the newspaper - about every other month there's someone in our paper giving away a little 5 or 10 gal setup.
Your QT doesn't have to be pretty and you don't even have to set it up right away but I'd highly recommend at least having the stuff around in case you need one in a hurry. (Our tank had no probs for months and all of a sudden - ICK - we got a QT real quick)
It will cost you a lot less in the long run. Just think about it - how much did your 2 clowns cost you? Isn't it worth it?


Active Member
I like to mess with the new employees at LFS's I'l go in and ask a bunch of questions just to see what answers I get. I actually gain a lot of respect for the person that says I dont know over the one who tries to BS an answer. most times I have found the younger ones are misinformed or told how to answer questions by the owner and arent really allowed to think onthere own (with exceptions of course).the only store I really trust I used to manage and all the employees are my friends. (except the newest ones I dont really know them) I have some friends that work at other stores and I only deal with them.
basicly my point is you gotta figure out for yourself who knows what and what types of information you can rely on them for.
one store I go to actually asks me for advice on their marine tanks. (the only knowldgable person they had moved out of state). I help them out when I can but they are like half the state away from me. of course they have my phone number. another petstore in the area sends me trouble animals (ones that get injured or refuse to eat) because they know 1 on 1 care is best for the animals welfare, they provide the food free and when/if the animal recovers I sell it back to them.
its pretty unfair to say all LFS stink.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
I was on the fence as well until I recently had an ich outbreak which wiped out my whole tank.
How long did you let it sit before it killed your inhabitants...


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
How long did you let it sit before it killed your inhabitants...
Long enough........


Just for the record there is a wrasse that sort of looks like a clown in it's juvenille stage, Coris Wrasse (Coris gaimard)

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by Cannonman
Just for the record there is a wrasse that sort of looks like a clown in it's juvenille stage, Coris Wrasse (Coris gaimard)
i think the display picture may have said coris wrasse like u just said...but..it was next to like 4 tanks with nothing but clowns..and then the puffer..and a sumwhat small niger trigger...and it looked EXACTLY like a clown..i could be horribly mistaken...but im pretty sure it wasnt a coris...