

So today I was at my LFS getting rock and started talking to a guy there about my tank and my bta.... anyway long story short he was telling me that I am not taking care of my BTA because I have it under a MH
" they don't need a lot of light and can be found deep down in the ocean " then I ask him about photosynthesis and he told me that " Its not a living thing so it does not need alot of light "
So anyways I guess I am trying to kill stuff in my tank with my MH..... UGH!! if you work at a fish store know your stuff!!!
I am a cook and a pretty good one, but I wouldn't go work at a computer store and tell people they don't need power to run a computer.... sorry just had to vent. Anyway on the up side,
I had to go to ***** to get cat food and wonder over to the fish area, they had a pair of maroon clown they called " chocolate clownfish" I got a killer deal on them so tomorrow I am going to go over and pick them up.


I almost said something, but just said over and over in my head " your wrong " lol. Yes I do have a QT for them.


Active Member
I must hand it to you. I probably would have said this and that and something else

*Right, they are just dead blobs of nothing in the tank*