I had a little accident while moving my very large orange monti cap and have a good size piece forsale. All corals will be double bagged and shipped in styrolined box with heat pack.
WYSIWYG 2-3"x3-4" $25
Also have these:
Tricolor Seneca Acro 1" 2 branches $25
Pink tip Pocillopora 1" $15
Bali Green Slimer base piece 1" $5
Idaho Grape monti cap 3/4-1" $20
WYSIWYG 2-3"x3-4" $25
Also have these:
Tricolor Seneca Acro 1" 2 branches $25
Pink tip Pocillopora 1" $15
Bali Green Slimer base piece 1" $5
Idaho Grape monti cap 3/4-1" $20