Life after divorce.


Active Member
might be fun. i've avoided bars and all that since i met my girl. the other day i bought some axe and had 2 girls ask me to help them with bra buying. (i work retail & no i didn't take them up). it was unexpected and i didn't know what to say as i'm 4yrs out of the market, but just goes to show everyone has appeal to someone. just take pride in yourself. go tanning, work out & mingle. i predict there's more fun after divorce than doing counseling and living for hope and misery.
get up off it and make yourself happier. how many billion people live on earth now? the main thinker is that you don't meet them sitting in your house.
good luck and remember that to each their own. i never thought i'd fall for my girl and she never thought i'd give her the time of day.


Active Member
After my divorce I felt the same way. My kids are what kept me going. If I had not met my first wife, had kids, got divorced and all that drama that goes with it, I'd have never met my "once in a lifetime". I met Lisa, and have been (happily) married over 10 years now. Don't give up....just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming.....Things will turn around. Besides if you feel that you have reached rock bottom the only way to go now is up.
ps try to associate with people who will make you feel better/happier
hope I helped


Active Member
after my D married 12 years, i thought and felt the same why, then i met the person who loves me for all the right things and all my bad habits, and there are alot of them...2 kids in the first marrage and now the second on the way from this one, would not trade all the hurt for nothing,because without it i wouldn't know how great my life is now....hang in there it IS WORTH IT.....


Active Member
Divorce is only what you make out of it, and most things lost is just things..........and are replaceable..maybe at the onstart it may not look that way, but eventually you will see light at the end of the tunnel. I initially married my high shchool long time sweetheart........who I dated and went sterady with for close to 8 years before we got lasted less than 2 years........but long enough to bring a baby into it......Lots of support money, and many years later, I am now married for over 27 years to a woman, who everyone said it would not work and if the marraige lasted 6 to 12 months it would be a now working on 28 years and its been just great......Out there somewhere is your perfect don't give up, and have fun while searching.


Awww Ros... I don't know what was originally posted since you edited it away but I can pretty much guess from the replies. It wasn't a dumb idea to post about it. You're hurting and extending those polyps out so don't retract them now that the phyto's in the water

I've got some experience under my belt now! 19 years of living with abusive alcoholic parents, a few more living with a controlling lazy abusive jerk, then 13 yrs of marriage to a controlling abusive jerk. The last two years were hellish enough that I landed in the hospital twice and have PTSD on top of my lifelong struggle to overcome chronic depression, GAD, and panic disorder. On top of my ex's abuses my dear friend died, my dearly beloved brother tried to commit suicide so I took him in, he was getting well and making hopeful plans for living near me, then died on the operating table at only 35, hubby changed bank accounts so I'd be penniless and threw me out on the streets PREGNANT, I miscarried my baby in my second trimester (and let me tell you, holding your own dead soooo tiny child in your hands is enough in itself to do you in!), he had the company repossess my only means of transportation the night before our divorce trial, he outright lied in court, got others to either lie for him or to be more fair to them just believe his twisted one sided version of the "truth" (to use the term VERY loosely!), my lawyer SUCKED big time since I had no money for a better one, marital possessions didn't even come up in court so he got EVERYTHING (in a 50/50 state no less), and despite his abuse, being high in front of my two children, and pictures I provided of him letting their room be COVERED in dog feces, trash, and broken glass on their beds with no blankets they awarded him custody on the basis of his lies and my crappy lawyer.
It's a year and 5 months later now. I still cry sometimes, mostly for my poor babies who call me to complain about what a jerk he can be and how they'd rather come live with me. My own children's school employees turn up their noses at me, snub me, and do their best to refuse me any information on my children every single time based on the lies he's told them about me. I still wake up screaming, sweating and crying too many nights from nightmares. You'd think I'd be ready to cuddle up with a nice sharp razor blade by now butcha know what? I won't let the bas&$#^ win that easily!!!!!
I have my revenge and it'll only get better! My revenge is I'm living a happy life full of things he could never have given me even if he'd been inclined to. He's a slacker and I'm thankful I see it now. I have a wonderful, decent paying job, the MOST wonderful, understanding, sweet, sexy guy I'm living with, I have my pride and honor because I refused to sink to his dirty tactics to "win" at all costs, I'm making excellent recovery in my illnesses, we just bought a chunk of land where we will one day live out our most cherished dream of a nice little house with horses and gardens and everything, my credit is recovering thanks to wanting to pay off my debts as best I can and the companies appreciating that are cutting me some awesome deals (they're going to sue him for his half of that vehicle he had repoed so karma is sweet
), and my babies know who's really at fault in all of this (even though I've been SUPER SCRUPULOUS to not say one bad word against him to or anywhere near them). One day they'll be old enough to choose who to live with and I'll be there. He can keep everything, I don't care, my children are my most precious treasure that I wouldn't have without going through being with him. Until then they come stay with me every chance they get, they know how much I love and cherish them, and no matter what comes I'll always be here for them.
I'll tell you the blunt truth, I fell apart completely right after my divorce. I was in such bad shape, SO depressed that I couldn't get out of bed and WOULD'VE killed myself if I could've motivated that much!!! I didn't even care enough to do anything about ending my life, that's how bad it was, I just lay there waiting to die.
It's ok to be sad, grieve, then be angry!!!!!!!!! But know without a doubt that better times are coming. Hold onto that, find your fire, pick yourself back up, and get the best revenge of all by living a good, happy life finally!