life of biological filter...


my only fish just died. how long do i have to add another fish before the bacteria dies. i dont wanna have to go through another cycle.


Staff member
Use a water test kit to test the water. If you see spikes in ammonia or nitrite, then the decomposing fish has taxed the your bio-filtration and you WILL need to wait until these levels reach 0 again.
By saying your "only fish died" do you mean that you only had 1 fish, and it died, or that the all the fish in your tank died?
What is the cause of this fish or fishes death? You need to know this, if possible, before adding more creatures back into your tank.


i had only 1 fish and it died. i removed it though so now i have nothing supplying ammonia to the bacteria. he had a fungus on him and got progressively sicker. i dont really know what killed him though, but i dont think there can be anything really wrong with my water cause i have a camel back shrimp who is doing just fine, and arent inverts supposed to be more sensitive than fish? i just wanna know how long the biofilter will last with nothing supplying ammonia. should i put another raw shrimp in there until i get a fish?


or could i just feed some frozen brine to my shrimp. would all that frozen brine that he doesnt eat keep my bio filter going? anybody have any ideas.