I've recently inherited a 5 inch Emperor angelfish, who is in horrible condition. He has a severe case of lateral line erosion...and I mean serious. Instead of being blue, his entire head is white and flaky exposing red veins underneath, not to mention his body, which has about 1/3 consumed by the disease where his scales are literally missing. I took him to a knowledgeable lfs who basically told me he was on his last legs. His previous owner just didn't give him the proper nutrition and care...I had to save him. It is such a shame....such a beautiful fish left to waste away. I just needed the reassurance of other fish lovers...should I try to care for this fish and attempt to nurse it back to some measure of health (the lfs said it would never recover) or end the poor thing's suffering?? It is currently in my 135 gallon which has been established for approximately two years...all parameters are excellent..with a docile zebra eel and two perculas. The emperor is eating well and everything, but I also have another concern. I have a juvenile emperor angelfish in my 55 who I was about to move to the 135, when I rescued the adult emperor. So now, I'm facing the dilemma of giving over my impeccably healthy, beautiful juvenile emperor back to the lfs, simply because the 55 is just getting too small. I have had her for about six months and I just love her to death. What should I do?? Should I let the emperor live out the remainder of his life in pain or put him out of its misery?? I'm in mental turmoil here...help!!
[ October 11, 2001: Message edited by: misty927 ]
[ October 11, 2001: Message edited by: misty927 ]