Lifereef sump; how to use canisters efficiently


Hello - I have a lifereef sump that has three built in canisters. The canisters are fed by my Poseidon T4 pump (1,100GPH @ 4' head) which also is my return pump. All the canisters have ball valves on them to adjust the flow. I am wondering if I can just put any phosphate removal media inside of the canisters? I know that the phosban reactors are more efficient and are only $40.00, but I do not have a whole lot of room left for these kinds of things. Does anyone know of any mods that would work to create a phosban reactor out of one of these canisters that is already in my sump.
Can I just put phosphate media in the canister? I will have sponges at the top and bottom of the canister to prevent the media from coming out.
Here is a picture of the canisters that are in my sump:


This is what lifereef says about the canister filters:
Lifereef Filter Cylinder Features
Slip right into all Lifereef filters and sumps
Can be used in all other filter makes with special bracket custom made for your sump ($59.00)
Holds carbons, resins, phosphate and nitrate reducers
Holds approximately 1 liter
Directs water through, not around, the medium
Water is in long contact time for efficient use of media
Water enters top and exits out bottom into filter sump
Simple and quick removal and refill
True-union ball valve for adjustment and cylinder removal
Includes cylinder manifold assembly (2 and 3 cylinder setups only)
Includes inlet and outlet foam filter elements


Active Member
Have you emailed Jeff and asked him directly? He would be your best source for the answer.
PS How are you liking the sump? We just received our Berlin system and LifeReefugium from him last month and will finish plumbing it tonight.


Mine came with a used system I got. I am indifferent to it at this point. I do not use any the features it has, so it has been more of a problem for me at this point. I was not able to put my protein skimmer in it, so I had to plumb externally. I think I will like it more once I get some phosban and carbon running in the canisters.
It is definitely a quality sump though, great quality. I think I would rather have a different model than what I have though, so I could put the skimmer in it.


Alright, I shot him an email. Still waiting back, I will let everyone know what he says.
Anyone that has had a lifereef sump or has any experience with a similar canister is still more than welcome to offer their opinions.
Thanks everyone.


Active Member
I hear ya! I do like the way the sump has the holder for the canisters. We didnt purchase any of those yet, but I can see how well it's going to work. Running carbon in one, phosphate remover in another if needed etc.
This is what ours looks like
but we have the in-sump skimmer and the skimmer itself is larger.


WOW! Yours looks a lot nicer than mine. I have a model that is close to six years old I think so it does not have all the bells and whistles that you do. I am not even sure what is going on with your sump, looks crazy.


Active Member
that was my thought exactly when I saw what hubby had ordered. It's a Berlin Filter System
The LF1 Series Berlin Filter Systems are just that, a complete system! Everything is included for installation to your aquarium. Complete with engineered sump, protein skimmer , skimmer pump, circulation system pump, system manifold, sump covers, bulkheads, all hoses, clamps, and fittings. Only two options are available: Filter Cylinders and Float Switches, which are shown further down in this list. Sumps have locations to connect a calcium reactor, a reverse osmosis, and a LifeReefugium
The LifeReefugium will sit next to the sump.


SpiderWoman - I am so jeleous, looks like you are going to have a very nice tank! Do you have this tank set up yet or is it still in progress?


Active Member
Hubby is setting it up as we speak. He had to get the dedicated 20A lines pulled in first and he got that done this afternoon. He is behind the stand as we speak doing who knows what and tomorrow I should have some photos.


Active Member
I don't see why you cant run carbon, etc in them, that's what they're for. The only issue is that being downdraft style, the media wont tumble, so it can form channels. In a phosphate reactor it will tumble gently. You can open the valve from time to time to break the channels loose and mix it all up. I don't think you be able too in a downdraft version. This is (IMO) why phosban reactors or FBF are superior to canister filters. However, you can run it in there I would run media with a large granular size. Not tiny stuff like rowaphos, or phosban.