light choice


I want to know what do difference kelvin in the lights do?
I have just set up a new MH with 2 10,000k and 2 actinic blue power compact. the 10,000k lights are just a little too bright and white that I can hardly see the blues. I want to see some blues and don't know what are the effects different degrees of K's has in terms of color and the health of corals.
Thanks for the help


More kelvins will produce a brighter/whiter light, the less kelvins you get a more yellow light...some mix 12,000k bulbs with a true actinic even...I think it's pretty much your personal preference as to what spectrum you'd like on your tank. I'm personally going to go with 2 10,000k bulbs and a couple actinincs myself...maybe your halides have too much wattage for ya? just a thought...and I'm no expert.


Active Member
The power compacts are no match for the light output of a MH. The blue is getting drown out. Go with a 14,000K or a 15,000K MH bulb. That will give you much more blue and then you can adjust it easier with actinics for more blue or 10,000K for more white.


thanks for the advise. I was thinking of getting 14000k, but will 20,000k be too much blue? and what effects do the different Kelvins has on corals, this is not a reef tank. It is more of a fish tank with some hardy corals and clams and anemones.
Thanks again for all your help.


I am definitely no expert either but that does actually sound like a reef tank. Do you mean that it is not like an SPS or LPS coral tank. Any coral (hardy or not) and a clam, etc. is usually a reef tank indicator. But I may be incorrect.

bill f

is that you from C.H. NJ. If so, are you starting over on this sight, (2 posts)?
Also, I need to see pics of the new tank.
If you not welcome to the boards.


I am from LA. I have been reading alot of post to learn and get ideas on my tank. I will post my tank pictures when I have a chance to take some pictures. I was thinking about getting more corals as I think my system can handle it. I have an Ecosystem with my tank. But my favorite fish is a Queen angels. that's why I haven't added any more corals to it. I have 7 fishes in there right now including a dwarf lion, small hippo tang, small orange shoulder tang, small purple tang, 2 clowns, 1 twinspot goby. I am ready to add my queen angel. I was thinking of adding a medium to large size to the tank. And every one told me that would kill all the corals i have in there. That's why I haven't add it yet. Any suggestion on corals that it will not kill?


and here is a couple picture of my tank. I don't think I am the guy you guys are referring to.