Light duration?


New Member
I have a 50 gal. tank with 2 yellow tail damsels (there was a velvet damsel that died 2 days ago).
The tank is new and has had the fish in in it for 3 weeks. No ammonia or nitrites detectable yet.A lot of brown algae has formed. Do the fish NEED to have the lights on for a certain amount of time each day?I had been leaving them on for 8-10 hours daily.Thanks!

kris walker

Active Member
No, they don't need the lights to survive, but I imagine if there are no lights for several days in a row, they will start to get stressed out. Now if your room is bright enough during the day, that will probably help--mimicing the deep water environments where light is less abundant.
You might want to do a double take on those chemical readings. What did your damsel die of? Was it breathing rapidly, sort of gasping for air at the surface? Don't know if you know this or not, but your tank should cycle if it is brand new, and if there are fish in it, they can die of too high ammonia or nitrite levels.

sinner's girl

our lights are on 6-8 hours. If you feel light is the problem you could keep the lights on less.


New Member
I started with the same thing yellow tale damsels they were fine with no light but then i got them on the same schedual as i am i leave the light on all day and then when i go to bed i shut it off they are fine and doing well I just added a snow flake eel maroon clown and 12 blue leg crabs.


New Member
Thanks you guys! Kris, yes the damsel was breathing slightly more rapidly the night before he died. That prompted me to check the ammonia and nitrites that night. They were non existent. Do you think I should ck. again and perhaps ck. the nitrates?Thanks! Here's a quote:
The truly successful teacher is the one you will never need again.
Ashleigh Brilliant