Light for a 15G Tall


I was looking for a good afforable light fixture for my 15G tank. I have found aqualight 20" 96W Quad Light for 87$ online or at my LFS a 24" 130W used aqualight for $45. I know there is some salt creep and a fan that is a little loose. Can I put a 24" light on my 20"tank? How much do bulbs run for each? Should I try cleaning up/risking the used light fixture?


Active Member
I have 96 watts of lighting on my 15H, and I have no problems with my corals so far. I don't know about that used light, besides the salt creep how does it look> No rust? The fan i am sure can be tightened up as long as its not broken, check that out also. I would ask for some type of guarantee from your LFS if you want to purchase that one, its a pretty good deal, but you have to buy lamps for it? If so, offer him 30 and ask for a discount on lights for it.