Light question


New Member
I have a short little light housing (about 7" long) that came with a hex shaped 2 gallon tank. The housing has an incandescent light in it. It puts off an ugly yellowish light. I will have a 10g fish/shrimp/crab tank up soon. I was looking at buying a Perfecto 20" wide flourescent light strip for about $24 from Petsmart. Could I get away with just using a incandescent style flourescent bulb that will fit into the incandescent housing I already have? If not, can anyone recommend a place cheaper than Petsmart for the Perfecto light strip?


Active Member
If the flo bulb fits and has an internail ballast, then yes it ill work. It will only be good for some mushrooms and zoanthids IMO if you are thinking about any corals.